NAS6013203 Indonesia

Module NameIndonesian
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeNAS 6013203
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNeneng Nurjanah, M.Hum.
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursCollaborative learning & discussion-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Independent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;  Total = 94 hours 94/30 = 3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours ≈ 3.13 ECTS
Admission requirements and examinationEnrolled in this course Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisites-
Media employedBoard, LCD Projector, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentAssignments (including assignment): 40% Midterm exam: 30% Final exam: 30% 
 Intended Learning Outcome Speaking Skills in Academic Presentation: Students are able to speak in scientific presentations. Understanding the Development of the Indonesian Language: Students can understand the development of the Indonesian language. Understanding the Use of Letters and Words: Students can understand the use of letters and words. Understanding Borrowed Words and Punctuation: Students can understand borrowed words and punctuation. Proper Diction Usage: Students are able to use appropriate diction. Crafting Effective Sentences: Students are able to create effective sentences. Constructing Proper Paragraphs: Students are able to create proper paragraphs.
Understanding Plagiarism: Students understand plagiarism. Essay Planning Abilities: Students are able to plan an essay. Effective Reasoning Skills: Students are able to reason accurately. Utilizing Scientific Notation Efficiently: Students are able to use scientific notation efficiently. Producing Short Writings Correctly: Students are able to produce short writings correctly. Reproduction of Writing Accurately: Students are able to reproduce writings accurately.
  Module content Speaking in Scientific Presentations; Development of the Indonesian Language; Usage of Letters and Words; Borrowed Elements, Punctuation, and Transliteration; Diction/Word Choice; Effective Sentences; Paragraphs; Scientific Ethics/Plagiarism; Essay Planning; Reasoning; Scientific Notation; 12. Short Writing Production; 13. Writing Reproduction.
Recommended Literatures   Arifin, E. Zainal dan S. Amran Tasai. Cermat Berbahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Akademika Pressido, 2006 Akhadiah, Sabarti dan Sakura Ridwan. Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Airlangga, 1993 Finoza, Lamuddin. Komposisi Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Diksi Insan Mulia, 2001. Gani, Ramlan A dan Mahmudah Fitriyah Z.A. Disiplin Berbahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : PTIK Press, 2010. Hs., Widjono. Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta : Grasindo, 2007. Keraf, Gorys. Komposisi. Ende : Nusa Indah, 1993. Putra, R. Masri Sareb Putra. Kiat Menghindari Plagiat. How to Avoid Plagiarisme. Jakarta : Indeks, 2011.


UIN6021204 Arabic

Module NameArabic
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeUIN 6021204
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Saifudin, M.Pd.I
LanguageArabic, Indonesian
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through discussion, quizzes, and example exercises by the lecturer which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short  question-answer. Textbook reading. Interactive dialogue.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Independent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 94 hours 94 /30 = 3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours ≈ 3.13 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to understand the basic knowledge of Arabic and its methods orally and in writing using good and correct Arabic and Indonesian in the development of the academic world and the non-academic world. Able to communicate both orally and in writing using Arabic and Indonesian in the development of the academic and non-academic world. Mastering four Arabic language skills, istima', kalam, qira'ah and kitabah and implementing them in social life.
Module content
Terminology: ta’rîf, aqsâm, syakl, ‘alâmât, wa misâl (Words: definition, division, characteristics/form, characteristics/signs and examples) Isim Nakirah-Ma’rifah wa mudzakar-Muannats: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât, wa misâl Isim Mufrad, Mutsanna, wa Jama’: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât, wa misâl Isim Jama’: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât, wa misâl ‘Adad dan Ma’dud: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tashrîf, wa misâl Isim Isyarah: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tashrîf, wa misâl Isim Istifham : ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,syakl, wa misâl Isim Dlamir : ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tashrîf, wa misâl Fi’il Madli : ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tashrîf, wa misâl Fi’il Mudlari : ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tashrîf, wa misâl Fi’il Amr : ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tashrîf, wa misâl Maf’ul: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât, syakl, wa misâl Ismiyah number : ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tarkîb, wa misâl Fi’liyah number: ta’rîf, aqsâm, ‘alâmât,tarkîb, wa misâl
Recommended Literatures Abd al-Fattâh Shabrî dan ‘Ali ‘Umar, al-Qirâ-ah al-Râsyidah, (Mesir: Dar alMa’arif, 1945). Fu’ad   Ni’mah,           Mulakhash Qawâ’id   al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah,             (Surabaya: al-Hidayah, tth). Mahmud Yunus, al-Muthâla’ah al-Haditsah, (Jakarta: Maktabah al-Sa’diyah Putra, 1937). Majmu’ah, Al-‘Arabiyah baina Yadaik, 2008. Sayyid Ahmad al-Hâsyimî, al- Qawâ’id al-Asâsiyah li al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah, (Kairo: Muassasah al-Mukhtar, 2006).

UIN6032201 Islamic Studies

Module NameIslamic Studies
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeUIN 6032201
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Saifudin, M.Pd.I
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through student paper review by lecturer which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by deep and comprehensive discussion. Students are divided into seven groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class. Case study about any contemporary issues in world, specially in Moslem countries.   
WorkloadLecture (class): (4 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 46.67 h Structured activities: 4 x 40 min x 14 wks = 37.33 h  Independent study: 4 x 40 min x 14 wks = 37.33 h  Exam: 90 m x 2 (mid test and final test) = 3 h Total = 124.33 hours 124.33 /30 = 4.14 ECTS
Credit points4 Credit Hours ≈ 4,14ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain the basic concepts of Islam properly and correctly. Students are able to describe the source, history, position, and values as well as the methodology of Islamic teachings. Students are able to apply the values of Islamic teachings in academic social life.
Module content
Introduction, Object/Scope, Objectives, History and Methodology of Islamic Studies Humans concepts, the Universe, and Religion in Islam Islam: Definition, Sources, Position, Function and History Al-Quran (Meaning, Position and Function, and History in Islam) Hadith (Meaning, Object of Study, Position and Historical Function in Islam) Islamic Doctrines and Teachings (Aqidah, Sharia and Akhlak), their Branches as well as Hierarchy and Relationships. Tawhid and the Prophethood Concept: Meaning, Scope, Position and Function in Islam Qadla, Qadar and the Actions of creatures in Islam: Definition, Object of Study, Position, Function and Lessons Eschatology/Last Days in Islam: Understanding, Object of Study and Position, and Events Shirk, Kufr, Nifaq, Fisq and al-Kabair According to Islam Islam and its Shari'ah: Definition, Types, Functions, Objects of Study, Sources and History, and the Tasyri' Process Morals and Ethics concepts in Islam Islam and Civilization: History and Development of Islam from the Prophet SAW time to Islam at Indonesia Islam in Indonesia: Concept, Implementation and Social History
Recommended Literatures  Primary: Al-Quran al-Karim Al-Kutub al-Sittah (Shahih al-Bukhari, Shahih Muslim, Sunan al-Tirmidzi, Sunan alNasai, dan Sunan Ibn Majah) Ibn Hisyam, Abu Muhammad Abd al-Malik, Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyah, 2002. Kairo: Dar al-Ghad al-Jadid. Ibn Rusyd, 2004. Bidayah al-Mujtahid wa Nihayah al-Muqtashid, Kairo: Dar al-Hadis. al-Jaziri, Abu Bakar Jabir. 2004. Aqidah al-Mu’min, Madinah: Maktabah al-’Ulûm wa al-Hikam. Khalil, Moenawar. 1993. Kelengkapan Tarikh Nabi Muhammad SAW, Jakarta: Bulan Bintang. al-Razi, Fakhruddin, Mafâtih al-Ghaib, Beirût: Dâr Ihyâal-Turâts al-‘Arabî, 1429 H. Al-Yubi, Muhammad Sa’ad ibn Ahmad, 1998. Maqâshid al-Syarîah alIslâmiyah, Riyadl: Dar al-Hijrah li al-Nasyr wa al-Tawzi’.


  1. Abd. Hakim, Atang dan Jaih Mubarok, 2000. Metodologi Studi Islam, Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.
  2. ‘Abdul Hamîd, ‘Irfan , tth. Dirasât fi al-Firaq wa al-‘Aqâid al-Islamiyah, Baghdâd: Mathba’ah As’ad.
  3. Abdul Baqi, Muhammad Fuad, tth. Al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras li al-Fâzh al-Qur’ân al- alKarîm, Bandung: CV Diponegoro, tth.
  4. Abdurrahman, Dudung, dkk. 2009. Sejarah Peradaban Islam: dari Masa Klasik hingga Modern, Yogyakarta: LESFI.

  FST6095101 Basic Biology

Module NameBasic Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095101
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si.,
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursCollaborative learning & discussion-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h  Independent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 72,99 h 72.99 / 30 =  2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2,43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
Generalize basic knowledge of biology which can lead to detailed knowledge at an advanced stage
Module content
Basic concepts of biology Chemistry of life Cell structure and function Life energy Energy release: cellular respiration Energy capture: photosynthesis Cell division Basics of genetics Evolution and biodiversity Plant structure and physiology Animal structure and physiology Ecology Nature conservation Biotechnology
Recommend Literatures Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., Orr, R. B., Campbell, N. A. (2021). Campbell biology. Pearson Education, Inc., NJ. Urry, L. A., Cain, M. L., Wasserman, S. A., Minorsky, P. V., & Reece, J. B. (2014). Campbell biology in focus (Vol. 10). Boston, MA: Pearson.

FST6095102 Practicum Basic Biology

Module NamePracticum Basic Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095102
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with practicum, project based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 h  Independent study: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h Total = 61.33 hours 61.33 /30 = 2.04 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.04 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, Students are able to work neatly and carefully Students are able to understand the methods applied in biological experiments Students are able to take the essence of each experiment conducted Students are able to understand the results of observations in accordance with the objectives of the experiment Students are able to understand and analyse a problem with scientific principles
Module content
Work techniques in a biological laboratory Microscope and cell observation Animal tissue Plant tissue Animal observation: the fish organs and organ systems Plant observation: the Monocots and Dicots organs and organ systems Photosynthesis Respiration Plant DNA extraction Living things and the environment: air pollution Fermentation Basic principles of classification of living things
Recommended Literatures : BSCS. (2006). Biology, a Molecular Approach. New York: McGrawHill Glencoe. Campbell, N. A, J. B. Reece, L. A. Urry, M. L. Cain, S. A. Wasserman, P. V. Minorsky, R. B. Jackson. (2008). Biologi, Jilid 1, 2, 3, Edisi Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Erlangga. Rezba, R. J., Sparague, C. S., Fiel, R. L., Funk, H. J., Okey, J. R., & Haus, H. H. (1995). Learning and Assessing Science Process Skills. (3rd ed.). Iowa: Kendall/ Hunt Publishing Company. Solomon, E. F., Berg, L. R., dan Martin, S. W. (2008).Biology, Eight Edition. Thomson Brooks/ Cole. Starr, C., C. A. Evers, L. Starr. (2008). Biology, Concepts and Applications, Seven Edition. Thompson Brooks/ Cole. Wijayanti, F., Pikoli, M.R., & Astuti, P. Panduan Praktikum Biologi Dasar. Jakarta: Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah

FST6094101 Calculus

Module NameCalculus
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeFST6094101
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Agus Salim
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursCollaborative learning & discussion-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Independent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this courseMinimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesStudent should be proficient in elementary algebra
Media employedBoard, LCD Projector, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentAssignments (including quizzes and group project): 40%Midterm exam: 30%Final exam: 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to determine the solution of problems related to calculus of real functions systematically
Module content
Real numbers, inequalities, absolute values, Cartesian coordinate system, functions and their graphs, operations on functions, trigonometric functions.Limit intuition, definition of limit, limit theorems, limit of trigonometric functions, limit at infinity, infinite limit, function continuityDefinition of derivative, derivative rules, derivatives of trigonometric functions, chain rules, higher order derivatives, implicit derivatives, related rates, basic concepts of differentialsMaximum and minimum, monotonicity and steepness, local extremes and extreme values on open intervals, drawing curves of real functions of 1 variable, anti-derivativesIntuition integral, definite integral, Fundamental Theorem I of Calculus, Fundamental Theorem II of Calculus, substitution method.Area, volume of a rotating body.Natural logarithm function, inverse function and its derivative, natural exponential function, generalised exponential function and generalised logarithm function, hyperbolic function and its inverse
Recommend Literatures   1. Dale Varberg, Edwin Purcell, Steve Rigdon, Calculus, 9th edition, Pearson, 2016. 2. George B. Thomas, Jr.; Maurice D. Weir, Joel R.Hass, Kalkulus Thomas Jilid 1, edisi 13, Erlangga, 2017. ed Literatures

FST6096201 Basic Chemistry

Module NameBasic Chemistry
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6096101
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Sri Yadial. M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into discussion groups of 3 to 4 members. Each group becomes a discussion center for its members in solving a given problem before being presented in class forum.
  WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Independent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Quiz 20%, Structured assignment 20%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to use the basic principles of chemistry in studying sciences related to chemical calculations, explaining the nature of matter, changes in matter, compounds and mixtures, basic laws of chemistry, balancing chemical reaction equations, development of the periodic system of elements, formation of chemical bonds. , Solutions, Colligative Properties Chemical Equilibrium, Acids, Bases and Buffers, Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Module content
Contract of practicumBasic concepts of chemistryBasic laws of chemistryChemical reaction equationsPeriodic system of elementsAtomic structure and electron configurationChemical bonds and naming of covalent and ionic compoundsSolutionColligative PropertiesChemical equilibriumAcids, Bases and buffersIntroduction to Organic Chemistry
Recommended Literatures Chang, Raymond. 2005. Kimia Dasar: Konsep-konsep Inti. Edisi 3. Erlangga. Jakarta.Oxtoby, D.W., H.P. Gillis, dan Norman H.N. 2003. Prinsip-prinsip Kimia Modern. Edisi Erlangga, Jakarta

FST6096202 Practicum Basic Chemistry

Module NamePracticum Basic Chemistry
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6096102
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleAhmad Fathoni, M.Si ; Agus Rimus Liandi, M.Si ; Nurul Amilia, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with practicum, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hIndependent study: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hExam: 90 h x 2 times = 3 h Total = 61.33 hours61.33/30 = 2.14 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.04 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedLaboratory tools and equipments; Classical teaching tools with whiteboard and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 20%, Final exam 20%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 50%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to conduct experiments and do data analysis in basic chemistry experiments which can support understanding in a more specific field of chemistry.
Module content
Experiment 1: Introduction to Chemical Laboratory Equipment as well Experiment 2: Solution Making Experiment 3: Changes in the Physical and Chemical Properties of Elements and Compounds Experiment 4: Chemical reaction Experiment 5: Limiting Reaction Experiment 6: Unsaturated, saturated and supersaturated solutions Experiment 7: Titration and Acid Base Equilibrium: pH Indicators and Measurements Experiment 8: Buffer Solution Experiment 9: Chemical equilibrium
Recommended Literatures 1. Module of Basic Chemistry Laboratory Work I

FST6097114 Basic Physics

Module NameBasic Physics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6097114
Semester(s) in which the module is taught1
Person(s) responsible for the moduleMuhammad Nafian, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory     course     for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursCollaborative learning & discussion-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Independent study: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to understand and apply how a physical system is seen from the perspective of mechanics and thermodynamics.
Module content
  Measurement of physical quantities and vector propertiesMotion in one, two and three dimensionsNewton's laws and their applicationsWork and kinetic energyLaw of conservation of energyLaw of conservation of linear momentumRotational dynamicsAngular momentumGravityFluid mechanicsTemperature and kinetic theory of gassesHeat and the first law of thermodynamicsSecond law of thermodynamicsThermal processes and properties
References : Paul Tipler, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 5th Edition, W.H. Freeman PublisherHalliday, R., Walker., Fundamental of Physics, 7th Edition. USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2006D.C.Giancoli, General Physics, Prentice Hall Inc, 1984

UIN6014203 English

Module NameEnglish
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeUIN6014203
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleInni Ayati, M.Si.
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory     course    for                         undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into five groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;·Total = 94 hours94/30 = 3.`13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours ≈ 3.13 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this courseMinimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessment.    Assignments    (including    quizzes                       and assignment): 40% · Midterm exam: 30% .    Final exam: 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
  Able to implement reading strategies such as "skimming" and "scanning", identifying pronoun references, using punctuation correctly, recalling oral information, and introducing oneself. Understanding the main ideas and supporting ideas in a reading, using "verbs" and "adverbs" using "mind mapping", and discussing daily activities.Knowing the difference between facts and opinions in a reading, using adjectives appropriately, understanding simple opinions, and being able to describe someone.Identifying important information from the reading text, writing simple sentences, being able to ask and answer about directions. Able to draw conclusions from the reading text, understanding the use of pronouns and articles, writing a memo, making/receiving/declining meeting appointments.Paraphrasing sentences from the reading text, using the "simple present tense", writing a postcard, expressing likes or dislikes. Identifying the meanings of words or phrases in the reading text, making conclusions, using the "simple future tense" appropriately, writing simple advertisements, and being verbally inviting. Identifying the purpose of writing in a reading text, using the "simple past tense" correctly, writing personal information.
Module content Mastering Effective Reading StrategiesComprehension and Language ProficiencyInformation Extraction and Language Expression SkillsLanguage Transformation and Expressing PreferencesEnhancing Vocabulary and Future ExpressionsUnderstanding Writing Purpose and Past Expression
Recommended Literatures Azkiyah, Siti     Nurul et al.( 2020). General English 1 (A course for University Students). Malaysia: Oxford University Press.Azar, B.S. (1999). Understanding and using English Grammar (3rded). New York: Pearson Education.Cusack, B., & McCarter, S. (2007). Listening and Speaking skills. Oxford: MacMillan Publisher LimitedHewings, M. (2002). Advanced Grammar in use: A self Study. Cambridge:            ambridge University Press.

FST6095105 Laboratory Technique

Module NameLaboratory Technique
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095105
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleFahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through discussing the main source of reference which are enriched with relevant examples (discussion of problem-based learning) or experiments related to the material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Independent study: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (1-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are: Able to explain the basic concepts, functions, and mechanisms of work safety in the laboratoryAble to use basic laboratory tools to make specimens and simple research designsAble to identify and explain materials in the laboratory, both biological and chemical materials
Module content
Introduction: Laboratory scope (K3 lab, MSDS, and BSL)Introduction to basic laboratory equipmentIntroduction to chemical and biological materials.Laboratory managementWork safety in the laboratoryBasic skills in the laboratoryAdvanced skills in using advanced equipment in the laboratory.Types of microscopes and their uses.Paraffin method histology.Techniques for making wet and dry preservesTechniques for making plant specimensTechniques for making animal specimensTechniques for making microorganism specimensDesign research experiments in the laboratory
Recommended Literatures   Barger, A.M & Macnel, A.L. 2015. Clinical Pathology and LaboratoryTechniques for Veterinary Technicians. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. Campbell, N.A., Reece, J.B., Urry, L.A. Cain, M.L., Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V., & Jackson, R.B. 2011. Biologi, Edisi Kedelapan. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.Hau, J. & Schapiro S.J. 2014. Handbook of Laboratory Animal Science 3Ed. London: CRC Press.Modul Praktikum Teknik Laboratorium. Prodi Biologi-UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2010.Provan, D. 2018. Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Turgeon, M.L. 2009. Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine, 15Ed. Missouri: Elsevier Inc.

FST6095107 Plant Structure and Development

Module NamePlant Structure and Development
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095107
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with class discussion, Collaborative learning & discussion-based learning, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 hIndependent study: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 108 hours108/30= 3.60 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 3.6 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course students are able to analyse the morphological and anatomical characteristics of plant organs
Module content
Concept of structure and development of plants in morphology and anatomy and the relatives with Qur’anRoot morphology and functionRoot anatomy and developmentStem morphology and functionStem anatomy and developmentLeaf morphology and functionLeaf anatomy and developmentFlower morphology and functionFlower anatomy and developmentFruit morphology and function Fruit anatomy and functionSeed morphology and functionSeed anatomy and developmentReview articles about the morphological and anatomical characters of plants per group
Recommended Literatures Campbell et al. 2006. Biology Concept and Connection. Pearson Benjamin Cummings. San Francisco..Anonim. 2022. Botany: Plant Morphology. Kota. Career PointCrang, R., Lyons-Sobaski, S., Wise, R. 2018. Plant Anatomy. The United States of America. Springer

FST6095108 Practicum Plant Structure and Development

Module NamePracticum Plant Structure and Development
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095108
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleArdian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with practicum, project based learning (fieldtrip), class discussion, collaborative learning, structured activities (quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 h Independent study: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h Total = 61.33 hours 61.33/30 = 2.04 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.04  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board, PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse information and data on morphology, anatomy, development, and function of plant organs.
Module content Morphology and function of root organsAnatomy and development of root organsMorphology and function of stem organsAnatomy and development of stem organsMorphology and function of leaf organsAnatomy and development of leaf organsModification of roots, stems, leaves, stem branching form and leaf layout on the stemMorphology and function of floral organsAnatomy and development of floral organsMorphology and function of fruit organsAnatomy and development of fruit organsMorphology and function of seed organs and germinationAnatomy and development of seed organs and germinationFieldtrip
Recommended Literatures Foster, Adriance Sherwood, and Ernest M. Gifford. "Comparative morphology of vascular plants." Comparative morphology of vascular plants. (1959).Crang, R., Lyons-Sobaski, S., Wise, R. 2018. Plant Anatomy. The United States of America. SpringerNugroho, L.H., Purnomo, I. Sumardi. 2010. Struktur dan Perkembangan Tumbuhan. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

FST6095111 Animal Systematics

Module NameAnimal Systematics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095111
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursCollaborative learning & discussion-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 h x 50 min x  14 wks = 23.33 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99/30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours  ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students can understand biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues with their applications. Students can apply the biological concept and their applications with relevant knowledge.
Module content
Introduction, basic concepts of animal taxonomy and rules of scientific nomenclatureHistory and development of animal systematicsPorifera and CoelenterataHelminthology I (Platyhelminthes)Helminthology II (Nemathelminthes dan Annelida)MolluscaArthropodaEchinodermataSuperclass PiscesAmfibiReptileAvesMamaliaThe program application creates a dendogram.
Recommended Literatures Mader S. Silvia. 2001. Biology. McGraw Hill. New York.Castro and Huber. 2005. Marine Biology. McGraw Hill. New York.

FST6095112 Practicum Animal Systematics

Module NamePracticum Animal Systematics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095112
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursPracticum, project-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes) and learning based on mini projects.
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 h Independent study: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 61.33 hours61.33/30 = 2.04 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.04 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV, video
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse information and data on morphology, anatomy, cell development, and organ function in animals.
Module content
Introduction to animal systematics practicumPhylum PoriferaPhylum CoelenterataHelminthologyMolluscaArthropodsEchinodermsWorld of fish ReptilesAmphibiansAvesMammalsField tripKinship analysis based on similarities-differences character
References Castro & Huber. 2005. Marine Biology. McGraw Hill. New York.De luliis, G & Puler, D. 2005. The Dissection of Vertebrates: A Laboratory Manual. Elsevier. London.Dugatkin, L.A. 2014. Principles of Animal Behavior, 3ed. W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. New York.Hart, P.J.B., & Reynolds, J.D. 2002. Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.Modul Praktikum Sistematika Hewan. Prodi Biologi-FST, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.Tortora, G.J., & Derrickson, B. 2009. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12 Ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc

NAS6112201 Pancasila and Civic Education

Module NamePancasila and Civic Education
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeNAS 6112201
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Gefarina Djohan, MA
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursLecture, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 94 hours94/30= 3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours ≈ 3.13 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this courseMinimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisites-
Media employedBoard, LCD Projector, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentAssignments (including quizzes and assignment): 40%Midterm exam: 30%Final exam: 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, the students should have: Explaining the History of the Formulation of PancasilaStressing the Importance of Civic Education as a Platform for Shaping the Character of the Civilized Indonesian NationDescribing the Competency Standards of Civic EducationPresenting the Scope of Pancasila and Civic Education MaterialConcluding the Importance of Civic Education for the Development of a Democratic Culture in Indonesia
Module content
History of the Formulation of PancasilaPancasila as a National IdeologyPancasila as a Paradigm for Community, Nation, and State LifeIslamic Perspectives on the Content of PancasilaNational IdentityGlobalizationDemocracyConstitution and Legislation in IndonesiaState, Religion, and CitizenshipHuman Rights (HAM)Regional AutonomyGood GovernanceCorruption PreventionCivil Society
Recommended Literatures Ubaedillah, A. 2015. Pendidikan       Kewarganegaraan. Jakarta: Prenada Media Group.Endang Saefudin Anshari. 1985. Piagam Jakarta. Pustaka, bandung

FST6095124 Cell Biology

Module NameCell Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095124
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si., Arina Findo Sari, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion-based learning per-group, structured activities ( quizzes), problem-based learning by journal related with biology cell
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.61 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedGlass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV, video and micropone
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 40%, Structured assignment 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students can apply cell biology concepts in biology activities supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues. Students can understand the implementation of cell biology theory in their research
Module content
Lecture contractsHistory of the development of cell theoryProkaryotic and Eukaryotic CellsCell Membrane Structure and FunctionNucleus and RibosomesEndomembrane System I: Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi BodySistem Endomembran II : Vakuola, Peroksisom, dan LisosomMitochondriaChloroplastCytoskeleton and Cell Motile StructureCell CycleExtracellular Matrix and Cell JunctionsCell CommunicationsJournal discussion
Recommended Literatures Albert, B., D. Bray, K. Hopkin, A. Johnson, J. Lewis, M. Raff, K. Robert & D. Watson. Molecular Biology The Cell. 3rd edition. Garland Publishing Inc.Karp, G. (2010). Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments. Sixth Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.Santoso, L.M, & Santri, D.J. (2016). Biologi Molekuler Sel. Jakarta: Salemba Teknika.Subowo. (2015). Biologi Sel. Jakarta: Sagung Seto.Sumadi & Marianti, A. (2007). Biologi Sel. Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu.Juwono & Juniarto, A.Z. (2002). Biologi Sel. Jakarta: EGCYunita, O. (2016). Biologi Sel-Pendekatan Aplikatif untuk Profesi Kesehatan. Jakarta: Erlangga.Wolfe, Stephen L. (1985). Cell Ultrastructure. Wadsworth Publishing Company. Reksoatmodjo, S.M Issoegianti. (1993). Buku ajar Biologi Sel. Yogyakarta: UGM.

FST6091101 Introduction to Information and Communications Technology

Module NameIntroduction to Information and Communications Technology
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeFST 6091101
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the module Nurul Faizah Rozy, MTI.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hours Short discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class (Discussion based learning, problem-based learning, technology-based learning)
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 40 min x 14 wks = 18.66 hIndependent study: 2 h x 40 min x 14 wks = 18.66 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 63.66 h63.66 / 30= 2.12 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours ≈ 2.12 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this courseMinimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisites-
Media employedwhite Board, LCD Projector, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentAssignments (including quizzes and assignment): 40%Midterm exam: 30%Final exam: 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course Students are able to understand the history, role, and benefits of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).Students are able to explain an overview of computer systems.Students are able to explain the concepts and tasks of operating systems.Students are able to explain the history of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems.Students can explain the definition, benefits, and workings of computer networks and the internet.Students are able to explain the processes that occur at the OSI Layer.Students are able to explain the types of IP Addresses and how they work.Students can understand the development of computing and cloud computing.Students are able to explain the architecture, storage media, and security mechanisms in cloud computing.Students have the ability to describe various types of databases and provide explanations regarding the benefits of databases. Additionally, students can identify the uses and practical applications of databases in various industries and sectors.Students have the ability to describe and understand the fundamental concepts of the Data Ecosystem, encompassing various important aspects of data management.Students have the ability to comprehensively explain programming languages. They understand the definition and purpose of programming languages and also comprehend the significant role of programming languages in software development.Students have the ability to comprehensively describe various aspects of cybercrime. They understand the definition of cybercrime, referring to illegal or harmful activities conducted online, including attacks and violations of computer systems and networks.
Module content
Introduction: History of the Development of Information and Communication TechnologyComputer systemOperating systemComputer Networks and Internet NetworksReference Model (OSI Layer)IP Address BasicsCloud Computing SystemArchitecture, Security Mechanisms and Storage Media in Cloud ComputingDatabase BasicsEcosystem DataProgramming languageCyber Crime and Security
Recommended Literatures Bunrap, al. (2019). The Cybersecurity Body of Knowledge. The National Cyber Security Center.Andrew S Tanenbaum., David J Wetherall.(2011).Computer Netwrok. 5th ed. Pearson Education.Andrew S Tanenbaum., Herbert Bos. (2015). Modern Operating System. 5th ed. Pearson Education.Andrew S Tanenbaum., Albert S Woodhull. (2006). Operating System Design and Application. 3rd ed. Pearson Education.William Stallings. (2012). Operating System Internal and Design Principles. 7th ed. Pearson Education. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (2019). Cloud Computing Technology. Springer

UIN6033205 Practicum Qira'ah and Worship

Module NamePracticum Qira'ah and Worship
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeUIN 6033205
Semester(s) in which the module is taught2
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Saifudin, M.Pd.I.
LanguageIndonesian, English, and Arabic
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through student paper review by lecturer which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by deep discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class. Exercise and live practice on subject matter in or out class. Case study on contemporer issues that are relevant.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 x 60 x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 = 3 h;Total = 82.3382.33/30=2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours = 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employed white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to : Understand the basics, concepts, and theories of Tajweed and Qiraat well and correctly;Understand various rules, methods and manners of reading the Quran according to the provisions of Tajweed ScienceRead and memorise Juz 30 and other selected letters orally and in writingUnderstand the basis, concepts and theories of various worship in Islam in accordance with the rules of Jurisprudence and Ushul FiqhImplement knowledge, methods and practices of worship properly and correctly.
Module content
A.Practicum Qiroah The    Concept   of    Hijâiyah   Letters:   Classification,   Types,   and    Makharij         and Characteristics of LettersAl-Qamariyah and al-SyamsiyahAhkâm al-Nûn al-Sâkinah wa al-TanwînAhkâm al-Mîm al- SâkinahIdlghâm al-Mutaqâribain wa al-MutajânisainAhkâm al-Madûd (1 dan 2)Al-QalqalahAl-Washl wa al-WaqfQirâah GharîbahTypes of Qirâat in the al QuranMemorize Juz Amma, Juz 28, Juz 29 and Surah Al-Kahfi, Al-Rahman, Al-Waqi’ah, Al-Mulk, Al Sajdah, Yasin,   B. Practicum Worship The Concept of Worship in IslamThaharah (Hadas, Uncleanness, Wudlu, Tayamum, Bathing)Concepts and Practices of Dressing According to IslamDhikr and PrayerObligatory Prayers (5 Times Prayer, Jama' and Qashar, Prayer in the Vehicle and Khauf)Sunnah   prayers    (Rawatib,   Tahajjud/Tarawih,   Dluha,   Istikharah,               Istisqo, Kusuf/Khusuf)Tajhiz al-Janazah (Pre-Death, Tajhiz al-Janazah Process: Bathing, Shrouding, Praying and Burying, and related matters)Zakat/Alms (Compulsory and Sunnah)Fasting (Compulsory, Sunnah and Haram)Hajji and 'UmrahMarriage and Family in IslamEating, Drinking and Communicating MannersMu'amalah (Types of Business in Islam)
Recommended Literatures A.Practicum Qiroah Al-Quran al-KarimMuna al-Baitîi, 1438 H. Al-Tajwîd al-Mustawâ al-Awwal.’Abdul Qâdir, ’Abdullah Hailuz, 2008. Al-Muyassar al-Mufîd fi ’Ilm al-Tajwîd, (Yordan).   C. Practicum Worship A-Quran al-KarimAl-Kutub al-Sittah (Shahih al-Bukhari, Shahih Muslim, Sunan al-Tirmidzi, Sunan al-Nasai, dan Sunan Ibn Majah)Ibn Hajar al-’Asqalani, 2000. Bulûgh al-Marâm       min Adillat al-Ahkam, Riyadl: Dar al-Athlas li al-Nasyr wa al-Tawzi’.Ibn Hisyam, Abu Muhammad Abd al-Malik,2002. al-Sirah al-Nabawiyah, Kairo: Dar al-Ghad al-Jadid.Ibn Rusyd, 2004. Bidayah al-Mujtahid           wa Nihayah al-Muqtashid, Kairo: Dar al-Hadis. al-Jaziri, Abu Bakar Jabir. 2004. Aqidah al-Mu’min, Madinah: Maktabah al-’Ulûm wa al-Hikam.

FST6095103 Basic Ecology

Module NameBasic Ecology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095103
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion-based learning per-group, structured activities ( quizzes), problem-based learning by journal related with basic ecology)
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Independent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 94 hours94/30= 3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours  ≈ 3.13  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain the background of ecology and the development of ecological scienceStudents are able to explain the concepts of environmental ecology, plant ecology and animal ecologyStudents are able to master the thermodynamic principles of ecosystems and their constituent componentsStudents are able to describe methods for measuring and analyzing ecosystemsStudents are able to analyze ecosystem problems with their expertise in the field of biology to develop their commitment to environmental conservation in an effort to create an independent, honest and tough character.Students are able to communicate the results of ecological research effectively both orally and in writingAble to make decisions based on ecological data as a form of responsibility in carrying out tasks
Module content
Basic concepts of ecosystemsThe process of forming an ecosystem and the distribution of species in the ecosystemEnergy in ecosystemsBiogeochemical CyclesLaw of tolerance and limiting factorsEcosystem typesPopulation and communityInterspecific and intraspecific interactionsPlant ecologyAnimal Ecology and animal behaviorBiogeography
Recommended Literatures Cox,WG. 2002. General Ecology. Laboratory Manual. Mc.Graww Hill.Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamental of Ecology. Toppan company Ltd. Tokyo.Krebs JR & Davies NB. 1989. Behavioural ecology.An Evolutionary Approach. Black is a scientific publication.Setiadi,Dede. Puspo Dewi.T. 1989. Dasar dasar Ekologi. IPB.Bogor.Soerianegara,I. Dan Andry Indrawan. Ekologi Hutan Indonesia. IPB.Bogor.Wirakusumah,Sambas. 2003. Dasar Dasar Ekologi. UI.Jakarta.

FST6095104 Practicum Basic Ecology

Module NamePracticum Basic Ecology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095104
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursPracticum, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 h Independent study: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 56.66 hours56.55/30=1.88 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 1.88 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedwhite/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain the background of ecology and the development of ecological scienceStudents are able to explain the concepts of environmental ecology, plant ecology and animal ecologyStudents are able to use tools to measure environmental abiotic factorsStudents are able to describe methods for measuring and analyzing ecosystemsStudents are able to analyze ecosystem problems with their expertise in the field of biology to develop their commitment to environmental conservation in an effort to create an independent, honest and tough character.Students are able to communicate the results of ecological research effectively both orally and in writing Able to make decisions based on ecological data as a form of responsibility in carrying out tasks
Module Content
Physical Chemical FactorsDecomposer PopulationSoil MacroFaunaCarbon CycleIntraspecific and Interspecific CompetitionAllelopathySecondary SuccessionVegetation AnalysisProfile DiagramAnimal Populations and Communities I (Mammals)Animal Populations and Communities II (Birds)
Recommended Literatures Altmann J. 1973. Observational Study of Behavior: Sampling Methods. University of Chicago. Chicago.Baker JP dan JS Wilson. 1999. A Quantitative Technique for the Identification of Canopy Stratification in Tropical and Temperate Forest. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management. 127(2000):77-86.Bardgett RD. 2005. The Biology of Soil: A Community and Ecosystem Approach. Oxford University Press. xi+232 pp.Bianchet MF dan M Apollonio. 2003. Animal Behavior and Wildlife Conservation. Island Press. London.Bibbi C, M Jones, S Marsden. 1998. Expedition Field Techniques Bird Surveys. The Expedition Advisory Centre. London..Richards PW. 1996. The Tropical Rain Forest. Cambridge University Press, Chambridge. UK.Rizvi SGH dan V. Rizvi. 1992. Allelopathy: Basic and Applied Aspects. Chapman and Hall. London.Scheiner SM. 2003. Six Types of Species-Area Curves. Journal of Global Ecology and Biogeography. 12:441-447.Setiadi D, Muhadiono, A Yusron. Penuntun Praktikum Ekologi. PAU Ilmu Hayat IPB. Bogor.Southwood TRE dan PA Henderson. 2000. Ecological Methods. Third Edition. Blackwell Science Ltd. xi+565 pp.Sutherland JM, I Newton, RE Green. 2004. Bird Ecology and Conservation. Oxford University Press Inc. New York.

FST6095144 Genetics

Module NameGenetics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095144
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through discussing the main source of reference (e-book) which are enriched with relevant examples (discussion of problem-based learning) or experiments related to the material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks= 28 hIndependent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 94 hours94//30= 3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours  ≈ 3.13 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, Students are able to analyse the diversity of plants and animals both within the same species and family.Students are able to test the concept of mendelism of observation results against the theory of chance, the Khi Kuadrat test, and the applicability of the Hardy-Weinberg Law to a population.
Module content
Basic concepts of geneticsHereditary characteristicsGene expressionMendelismProbability and Chi-Square testsMendel's Law Deviations (multiple alleles, gene interactions, lethal genes) extrachromosomal DNA and its inheritanceSex determination and sex-linkedGene and chromosomal mutationsLinkage, crossing over and recombinationGenetic mappingPopulation geneticsSpecial topics on genetic phenomenaSpecial topics on applications of genetics
Recommended Literatures Gardn er, E.J., dkk. 1991. Principle of Genetic. New York: Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto-Singapore: John Wiley and Sons Inc.Stansfield WD. 1983. Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Genetics. New York: McGraw-Hill.Suryo. 2005. Genetika Manusia. Cetakan 8. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.Suryo. 1990. Genetika. Cetakan 6. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press..Yatim. W. 2003. Genetika. Bandung: Tarsito.Wang er, R.P. dkk. 1980. Introduction to Modern Genetics. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.Hartan a, A. 1992. Genetika Tumbuhan. PAU Ilmu Hayati IPB. Yusuf, M. 2001. Genetika I Struktur & Ekspresi Gen. Sagung Seto, Jakarta

FST6095115 Practicum Genetics

Module NamePracticum Genetics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095115
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through practicum, project based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes) and learning based on mini projects.
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks= 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 h Independent study: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 56.66 hours56/30= 1.88 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 1.88  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to analyze the diversity of plants and animals both within the same species and familyStudents are able to test the concept of mendelism as a result of observations of probability theory, the Chi-Square test, and the application of the Hardy-Weinberg Law to a population.
  Module content
Recognizing the Diversity of Characteristics of Living Creatures.Probability Theory and Chi-Square Test.Monohybrid Experiment AnalogyAnalogy of Mendel's Dihybrid Experiment.Making and Observing Plant Chromosome SpecimensObservation and Observation of Animal Chromosome Specimens.Making Eukaryotic Chromosome Karyotypes and Recognizing Human Fingerprints.Life Cycle and Sex Ratio of Fruit Flies.Mutation.Hardy Weinberg's Law.Multiple Alleles and Gene Frequency Determination.Introduction to Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR)Introduction to Electrophoresis.Observation of Giant Chromosomes (Polytene Chromosomes).
Recommended Literatures Crowder. (1997). Genetika tumbuhan. Diterjemahkan oleh: Lilik Kusdiarti. Jogjakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.Jamilah. (2005). Pengaruh berbagai macam detergen, penambahan garam dan ekstrak nanas (Ananas comusus) terhadap hasil isolasi DNA berbagai macam buah sebagai topik praktikum mata kuliah genetika (Skripsi tidak diterbitkan). Program Sarjana Biologi, Malang.Klug, W. S., & Cummings., M. R. (1991). Concepsta of genetics. New York: Mac Millan Pub. Co.Norhadi, M. B. (1984). Genetika dasar. Bandung: Armico.Snustad, D. P., Simmons, M. J., & Jenkins, J. B. (1997). Principle of genetics. New York: John Willey & Sons Inc.Suroyo. (2001). Genetika strata 1. Jogjakarta: Gajah Mada University Press. Winchester, A. M. (1991). Laboratory manual of genetics. Dubuque-Iowa: Wm. Brown.

FST6095106 Basic Microbiology

Module NameBasic Microbiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095106
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si., Dr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si
LanguageBilingual (Indonesian and English)
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion-based learning per-group and presentation each group,  structured activities ( quizzes), Learning based on mini project
WorkloadLecture (class): 2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 x 40 min x 14 wks = 18.66 hIndependent study: 2 x 40 min x 14 wks = 18.66 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 63.66 hours63.66/30=2.12 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours  ≈ 2.12  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board, LCD, smart TV, micropone
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 40%, Structured assignment 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
Able to understand organisms that include within the scope of microbiology and able to carry out research activities related to microbiology
Module Content
History and development of microbiology throughout timeCharacterization of microorganisms: prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structureBasic methods in microbiologyStructure and development of BacteriaStructure and development of the ArchaeaStructure and development of MicroalgaeStructure and development of VirusesStructure and development of FungiControl the growth of microorganismsInteraction of microorganismsBioprocessApplied microbiology in the food and industrial sectorApplied microbiology in the field of environment and health
Recommended Literatures Madigan, M. T., Martinko, J. M., Stahl, D. A., Clark, D. P. 2012. Brock Biology of Microorganisms. 13th Edition.Whitman, W. B., Coleman, D. C., & Wiebe, W. J. (1998). Prokaryotes: the unseen majority. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 95(12), 6578-6583Cappuccino, J. G., & Sherman, N. (2005). Microbiology: a laboratory manual.Watkinson, S. C., Boddy, L., & Money, N. (2015). The fungi. Academic Press.Shors, T. (2017). Understanding viruses. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.Cavalier-Smith, T. (1993). Kingdom protozoa and its 18 phyla. Microbiological reviews, 57(4), 953-994.Becker, E. W. (1994). Microalgae: biotechnology and microbiology (Vol. 10). Cambridge University Press

FST6095117 Practicum Basic Microbiology

Module NamePracticum Basic Microbiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095117
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si., Dr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si, Arina Findo Sari, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through practicum, project based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 hIndependent study: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 56.66 hours56.55/30=1.88 ECTS
Credit Points1 Credit Hours ≈ 1.88 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to master the principles and techniques used in the field of basic microbiology
Modul Content
Lecture contract & introduction to laboratory K3, principles in basic microbiology practicumBasic preparation and treatment in microbiology IBasic preparation and treatment in microbiology II: InoculationMaking dry preparations and staining bacterial cells.Movement of bacteriaEnumeration using the turbidimetry method and growth curve of microorganisms.Enumeration using the TPC method and growth curve of microorganismsThe influence of environmental factors on the cultivation of microorganisms.Biochemical activity of microorganisms.Control of microorganisms.Isolation of microorganisms from the environment.Water microbiology: Standard qualitative analysis using the MPN methodFood microbiology: Making sticky rice tape, tempeh and nata de cocoReview practical reports
Recomended Literatures Pikoli, M. R., Radiastuti, N., Bahri, S., Solihat, N. A. (2012). Penuntun praktikum mikrobiologi dasar. Jakarta:Program Studi Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif HidayatullahAryantha, N. I. (2000). Pedoman praktikum mikrobiologi. Bandung: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA ITB.Cappucino, J. G., & Sherman. N. (1996). Microbiology: a laboratory manual. fourth edition. California: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc.Gandjar, I. Dkk. (1998). Pedoman praktikum mikrobiologi. Universitas Indonesia.Hadioetomo, S. R. (1990). Mikrobiologi dasar dalam praktek. Jakarta: Gramedia.Pelczar, M. J., & Chan, E.S.C. (1977). Laboratory exercise in microbiology fourth edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.Ratnawati., & Safitri, R. (1992). Petunjuk praktikum mikrobiology dasar. Jatinangor: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNDAP.Seeley, H. W, Jr., & VanDemark, P. J. (1962). Microbes in action: a laboratory manual of microbiology second edition. San Fransisco: W.H. Freeman and Company.Sunatmo, T. I. (2007). Eksperimen mikrobiology dalam laboratorium. Jakarta: Ardy Agency.Tim Penyusun Laboratorium Laboratorium Mikrobiologi. (2008). Petunjuk praktikum mikrobiology dasar. Purwokerto: Fakultas Biologi Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Wistreich, G. A., & Lechtman. M. D. (1984). Laboratory exercise in microbiology fifth edition. New York: MacMillan.

FST6095128 Plant Systematics

Module NamePlant Systematics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095128
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion-based learning per-group, structured activities ( quizzes), problem-based learning by journal related with plant systematics.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 94 hours94// 30=3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours  ≈ 3.13  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesnone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course students are able to analyze plant diversity based on morphological and evolutionary traits.
Module content
The systematics concepts, taxonomy, properties and characteristics, their relationship with other sciences, and the holy Qur’anHistory of taxonomyDescription, identification and classificationDiversity of micro and macroalgae and their evolutionBryophyte diversity, life cycles, and evolutionDiversity of Lichens and their benefitsPteridophyta diversity, life cycle, and evolutionGymnosperm diversity and evolutionDiversity, properties and characteristics of MagnoliidsDiversity, properties and characteristics of CommelinidsDiversity, properties and characteristics of FabidsDiversity, properties and characteristics of MalvidsDiversity, properties and characteristics of CampanulidsDiversity, properties and characteristics of Lamiids.
Recommended Literatures [APG] Angiosperms Phylogeny Group. 2016. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plant: APG IV. Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society, 181, 1–20.Bellinger EG, Sigee DC. 2015. Fresh Water Algae. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd Articles from research on the latest plant systematics

FST6095109 Practicum Plant Systematics

Module NamePracticum Plant Systematics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095109
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through practicum (fieldtrip), project based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks= 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 h Independent study: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 56.66 hours56.66/30=1.88 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 1.88 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyze plant diversity in oral and written form.
Module content
The concept of plant taxonomy, diversity and character variationsMorphological Diversity of MicroalgaeMorphological Diversity of Macroalgae.Morphological diversity of mosses (Bryophyta).Lichen morphological diversityMorphological diversity of PteridophytesDiagnostic characteristics of plantsComparison of plant morphology.Key to plant identification.Anatomical characteristics of plants.Palynological characteristics of plantsMorphological Diversity of GymnospermsMorphological Diversity of AngiospermsHerbarium techniques
Recommended Literatures Angiosperms Phylogeny Group. 2016. An update of the angiosperm phylogeny group classification for the orders and families of flowering plant: APG IV. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181, 1–20.Bellinger EG, Sigee DC. 2015. Freshwater Algae. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, LtdSingh, G. 2010. Plant Systematics. Science Publishers, New Delhi India

FST6095110 Animal Structure and Development

Module NameAnimal Structure and Development
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST 6095110
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursLearning activities in class focus on assignments, questions and answers, discussions, presentations, or experiments related to the material. The course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class (Discussion based learning and problem-based learning)
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Independent study: 3 x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 94 hours94/30=3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 3.13 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisites   None
Media employed   Classical teaching tools with white board     and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessment   Midterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz    10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students can understand biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students take an active role in developing science and technology throughout their lives.
Module content
Biology cell and spectrum conceptBasic tissue structure and histologyStructure and histology of the integumentary system and its derivativesStructure and histology of the musculoskeletal system (muscles and skeleton)Structure and histology of the digestive system, digestive organs and glandsStructure and histology of the circulatory, respiratory and excretory systemsStructure and histology of the reproductive systemGametogenesis, structure and development of sperm and ovum and integration of Islamic valuesPrimate reproductive cycleFertilization and implantationExtra-embryonic membranes and twinningDevelopment of invertebrate animal embryos (Echinodermata)Pisces embryo development, amphibians and reptilesEmbryonic development of Aves and Mammalia
Recommended Literatures Campbell et al. 2006. Biology Concept and Connection. Pearson Benjamin Cummings. San Francisco.Hildebrand, Milton. 1995. Analysis of Vertebrate Structure. 4th-ed. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.Mader, S. S.2001. Understanding human anatomy and physiology. Mc.Graw-Hill Companies. Amerika UtaraGilbert, S.F. 2003. Developmental Biology. Sinauer. USACarlson, B.M. 1996. Patten’s Foundation of Embryology. Mc Graw-Hill. New YorkJurnal penelitian internasional dan e-book terbitan kurang dari 10 tahun terakhir

FST6095129 Practicum Animal Structure and Development

Module NamePracticum Animal Structure and Development
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095129
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si.,
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through practicum, project based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes) and learning based on mini projects.
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 hIndependent study: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 56.66 hours56.66/30=1.88 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 1.88 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white/glass board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to analyze information and data on morphology, anatomy, cell development and organ function in animals
Module content
Basic concepts of the structure and development of animal cellsBasic tissueIntegumentary system, structure of scales, feathers and skinMuscle and skeletal tissueAnatomical structure and morphology of OsteichthyesAnatomical structure and morphology of AmphibiansAnatomical structure and morphology of ReptilesAnatomical structure and morphology of AvesAnatomical structure and morphology of MammaliaAnatomical structure and development of the ovariesAnatomical structure and development of the testiclesAnatomical structure and development of the sea urchin embryoAnatomical structure and development of frog embryosAnatomical structure and development of chicken embryos
Recommended Literatures   De Iuliis G and Plurela D. 2007. The Dissection of Vertebrates. Acadenic Press. London, UK.Gilbert SF. 2013. Developmental Biology 10Ed. Sinauer Associates. Swarthmore College. USA.Klein RM and Enders GC. 2007. Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology 3Ed. MecGraw Hill. USA.

FST6096225 Biochemistry

Module NameBiochemistry
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095128
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Laode Sumarlin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion based learning, problem-based learning
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 x 40 min x 14 wks = 18.66 h Independent study: 2 x 40 min x 14 wks = 18.66 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 63.66 h63.66 / 30 = 2.12 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.12 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to understand biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to work independently and in teams according to their skills. Students are able to demonstrate the results of conceptual, analytical, logical and innovative thinking in oral and written form.
Module content
Understanding BiochemistryWater and bufferBiomolecules in Cells/Cell OrganellesCarbohydrateLipidAmino Acids and ProteinsEnzymeGeneral Aspects of Metabolism (Cross-Metabolism and Metabolism Regulation)Glycolysis and the Citric Acid CycleGluconeogenesis and glycogen metabolismLipid metabolism (Oxidation of fatty acids and biosynthesis of fatty acids, fats and cholesterol)Amino Acid Metabolism and amino acid proteins)
Recommended Literatures Sumarlin, L. 2020. BIOKIMIA: Dasar-Dasar Biomolekul dan Metabolisme, Raja Grafindo, JakartaLehninger, A.L. 2000. Dasar-Dasar Biokimia. Terjemahan : Maggy Thenawijaya. Erlangga. Jakarta.Stryer, L. 1988. Biochemistry 3rd ed. Freeman. San FranciscoVoet, D & J.G. Voet. Biochemistry 2nd ed. Wiley. New York

FST6096226 Practicum Biochemistry

Module NamePracticum Biochemistry
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6096226
Semester(s) in which the module is taught3
Person(s) responsible for the moduleTarso Rudiana, M.Si, Nurul Amilia, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursPracticum, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes)
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 h Independent study: 1 x 40 min x 14 wks = 9.33 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 56.66 hours56.66/30=1.88
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 1.88  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After attending this lecture:Students are able to explain the use of biomolecules contained in the Qur'an and Hadith.Students are able to understand the basic principles related to the isolation, characterisation and biosynthesis of primary metabolites (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins).Students have the skills to use experimental tools related to biochemical experiments.Students are able to make reports in accordance with correct scientific principles.Students are able to directly prove biochemical theories, phenomena/reactions through experimental activities.Students are able to develop understanding and thinking skills in designing biochemical experiments for research activities.
Module content
Qualitative AnalysisCarbohydrate HydrolysisQualitative Analysis of LipidsQualitative Analysis of Protein IQualitative Analysis of Protein IITemperature characteristics of Amylase EnzymepH characteristics of Amylase EnzymeKinetics of Amylase Enzyme
Recommended Literatures Mathew      C.K.      &            van      Holde      K.E.,      1996,      Biochemistry, 2nd edition,Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, USA.Devlin M. Thomas, 1997, Textbook of Biochemistry, 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA.Lehninger, L. Albert, 1982, Principles of Biochemistry, Worth Publisher, Inc., USA.James D. & Howland K., 1997, Protein Purification and Analysis, Research school of Biosciences, University of Kent Canterbury, UK.Lewin B., 1997, Genes VI, First edition, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, USA.Anna Poedjiadi, 1994, Dasar-dasar Biokimia, UI-Press, Jakarta.

FST6094106 Elementary Statistics

Module NameElementary Statistics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6094106
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered in three activities: Provide material to students along with several examples for discussion in class Assignments are given in class and students must explain the results in class, then the lecturer will carry out an evaluation giving take-home assignments
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 h Independent study: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 108 h108 / 30 = 3.60  ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 3.60 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to master the concept of statistics with the approach of various problems in Biology research and can then be used to process their research data.
Module content
Statistics conceptVariables and DataFrequency distributionCentral value measurementDispersion measurementNormal distributionHypothesis testChi-Square DistributionSimple correlation and regressionCorrelation and multiple regressionANOVA: Completely Randomized Design and Randomized Block DesignANOVA: Factorial and Advanced Test (Duncan Test)
Recommended Literatures Lily Surayya Eka Putri. 2019. Biostatistik. FST-UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.Anto Dajan. 2000. Pengantar Metode Statistik jilid 1 & 2.Artikel-artikel dalam jurnal-jur

FST6095132 Conservation Biology

Module NameConservation Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095132
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si., Etyn Yunita, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion-based learning per group, structured activities, problem-based learning by journal related with conservation biology. The course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Able to explain the background and history of the conservation movement, conservation ethics, and the concept of nature conservation in Islam. Able to categorize biodiversity, conservation species, and conservation areas. Able to describe threats to biodiversity. Able to explain conservation area planning, conservation priorities, and national international conservation strategies
Module content
Background to the conservation movement, figures from the Conservation Movement and their contributionsConservation ethicsThe concept of nature conservation in IslamBiodiversity and biodiversity valueThreats to biodiversityConservation of speciesConservation prioritiesConservation Area PlanningNational and international conservation strategiesCost-benefit analysis of conservation areasConsideration of area legalizationLocal wisdom
Recommended Literatures Wijayanti, F. 2015. Biologi Konservasi. UIN Press. JakartaPrimack,R,B,. Supriatna,J. Indrawan & Kramadibrata. 1998. Biologi Konservasi. Yayasan Obor ndonesia.Mangunjaya.F.M. 2005. Konservasi Alam Dalam Islam . Yayasan Obor Indonesia.Caughley.G, Gunn.Anne,. 1995. Conservation Biology In Theory and Practice. Blackwell Science.Frankel.O.H. and Michael E.S. 1997. Conservation and Evolution. Cambridge University Press.Keraf Sony A.2006. Etika Lingkungan. Penerbit Buku Kompas.

FST6095113 Microbial Physiology

Module NameMicrobial Physiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095113
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si., Arina Findo Sari, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursMini project based learning, class discussion per-group each different topic according to RPS, structured activities (searching and discussion of journal )
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation with LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%,  Structured assignment 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to understand microbial physiology which is supported by other relevant knowledge to carry out microbiology applications/research. Students are able understand to condition in bioprocess
Module content
Lecture contract and explanation of independent assignmentsStructure and function of subcellular organs of microorganismsTools for bacterial movementMicrobial genetic processesMicrobial growthMicrobial stress responseCarbon metabolismOther carbon metabolismLipid metabolismNitrogen metabolismDifferentiation and Qourum sensingEnvironmental factors that influence initial microbial growth and reproductionApplication example (journal review)Application example (journal review)
Recommended Literatures Alexopoulus, J.C. dan Mims, C.W. 1907. Introductory Mycology. John Willey & Sons New YorkIngraham, J.L. & C.A. Ingaraham, 2004. Introduction to Microbiology. A case History Approach. Trird Edition. Thomson. USA Moat, A.G. & J.W. Foster, 2002. Microbial Physiology. Fourth Edition. Wiley-Liss.CanadaPurwoko Tj, 2007. Fisiologi mikroba. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta

FST6095114 Animal Physiology

Module NameAnimal Physiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095114
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through discussing the main source of reference. Learning activities in class focus on assignments, questions and answers, discussions, presentations, or experiments related to the material. Students can ask questions about things that are unclear so as not to cause misunderstandings about the material they have studied.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 h Independent study: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 108 hours108/30= 3.60 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 3.60 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Able to analyze the basic concepts of animal physiology including homeostasis, thermoregulation, osmoregulation and the working mechanisms of organ systems in the animalAble to describe and explain how organ systems work in the animalAble to correlate organ system processes working in an animal's body with environmental factors
Module content
The scope of physiology (between form, structure and function)Basic concepts of homeostasisThermoregulation, hibernation, torpor, and estivation.Digestion System 1Digestive System 2Circulation/cardiovascular systemRespiration systemOsmoregulation and urinationImmune system/immunityEndocrine/hormonal systemReproductive systemNervous systemMovement system (skeletal and muscular)Sense system (sensory mechanism)
Recommended Literatures Campbell, N.A., et al. 2008. Biologi, edisi kedelapan jilid 3. Jakarta: Erlangga.Isnaini, W. 2006. Fisiologi Hewan. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius.Randall, D., Burggren, W., & French, K. 2000. Eckert Animal Physiology: mechanisms and adaptation. New York: WH Freeman and Company.Sherwood, L. 2010. Human Physiology: From Cells to System, 7ed. Singapore: CENGAGE Learning.Tortora, G.J., & Derrickson, B. 2009. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12 Ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Urry, L.A., Cain, M.L. Wasserman, S.A., Minorsky, P.V., & Reece, J.B. Campbell Biology, 7Ed. New York: Pearson.

FST6095135 Practicum Animal Physiology

Module NamePracticum Animal Physiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095135
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si., Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through practicum, project-based learning, class discussion, structured activities (quizzes) and learning based on mini projects.
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hIndependent study: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 61.33 hours61.33/30=2.04
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.044 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse information and data arising from animal physiology activities.
Module content
Basic concepts of animal physiologyHomoiotherm thermoregulationPoikilotherm thermoregulationCalculation of the number of erythrocytes and HB levelsLeukocyte counting and blood coagulationCytosol and diastole measurementsOsmoregulationMeasurement of CO2 molecules resulting from respirationSensory and motor testsCheck fat levelsLiver function examination (liver enzyme levels)Blood glucose levelsUrine glucose levelsMini research/base case (independent observation of animal physiology)
Recommended Literatures   Hart, P.J.B., & Reynolds, J.D. 2002. Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.Isnaini, W. 2006. Fisiologi Hewan. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius.Modul Praktikum Fisiologi Hewan. Prodi Biologi-FST, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2010.Tortora, G.J., & Derrickson, B. 2009. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12 Ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Sherwood L. 2006. Fisiologi Manusia: dari sel ke sistem. Edisi 6. Jakarta: Penerbit EGC.Klein RM and Enders GC. 2007. Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology 3Ed. McGraw Hill. USA

FST6095116 Plant Physiology

Module NamePlant Physiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095116
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe learning methods used are problem-based, flipped and case studies. Material is discussed in groups. The topics discussed are in accordance with the learning material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 hIndependent study: 3 x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 108 hours108/30= 3.60 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours  ≈ 3.60 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse cases related to plant physiology based on the concept of plant physiology.
Module content
Introduction: concepts of plant physiology, plant cells, energy and enzymes.Transport and translocation of water and solutions: properties of water, diffusion, osmosis, role of water for plants, absorption and transport of water and transpirationNutrients and their transportationAssimilation of nutrients: nitrogen, sulfur and phosphate.Photosynthesis: light reactions, dark reactions, translocation in phloem.Respiration and lipid metabolism: respiration, glycolysis, citric acid cycle, electron transport and ATP synthesis, and lipid metabolismSecondary metabolism and its role.Growth and development: embryogenesis, differentiation, organogenesis, dormancy and germination, and juvenile phase, physiology of flower formation, ABC modeling in flower formation, and fruit and seed formation.Growth and development: physiology of flowering formation, ABC modeling in flower formation, fruit and seed formation.Plant growth regulator.Ecophysiology: photoperiodism, vernalization and stress physiology.Applications of plant physiology in other fields.Cases related to plant physiology in other fields
Recommended Literatures Hopkins, W. G. & Norman, P.A (2008). Introduction to plant physiology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USALambers, H., Chapin, F.S.&Pons, T.L, R. E. (2008). Plant Physiology Ecology. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, USA Taiz, Lincoln & Eduardo Zeiger. 2003. Hardcover, Plant Physiology, 3rd ed, Sinauer AssociatesBhatla, S.C. & Lal, M.A. (2018). Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Singapore International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

FST6095127 Practicum Plant Physiology

Module NamePracticum Plant Physiology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095127
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursPracticum, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hIndependent study: 1 x 50 min x 14 wks = 11.66 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 61.33 hours61.33/30=2.04 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.04 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to use standard methodologies and software to solve problems related to biology and their implementation. Students are able to interpret research data.
Module content
Introduction: K3 in the plant physiology laboratorySolution.Diffusion, osmosis and imbibition processes.Germination and dormancy and influencing factors.The relationship between plants and water.Respiration in plantsPhotosynthesisPlant hormonesEnzymeGrowth and development.Plant nutritional needs and deficiencies.Transpiration and factors of transpiration
Recommended Literatures   Hopkins, W. G. & Norman, P.A (2008). Introduction to plant physiology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. USALambers, H., Chapin, F.S.&Pons, T.L, R. E. (2008). Plant Phisiology Ecology. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, USATaiz, Lincoln & Eduardo Zeiger. 2003. Hardcover, Plant Physiology, 3rd ed, Sinauer AssociatesBhatla, S.C. & Lal, M.A. (2018). Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Singapore Jurnal-jurnal penelitian internasional dan e-book terbitan kurang dari 10 tahun terakhir.

UIN6032202 Islam and Science

Module NameIslam and Science
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeUIN6032202
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Saifudin, MPd.I
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 h x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h Independent study: 3 h x 40 min x 14 wks = 28 h•Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 94 hours94/30= 3.13 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours  ≈ 3.13ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to master the concepts, theories and principles of Islamic teachings and its branches in depth. Students are able to understand the sources, history, position, and values as well as the methodology of Islamic religious teachings. Students are able to analyze the history, theory, methodology and value of Islamic sciences in order to develop holistic Islamic thinking. Students are able to integrate the values of Islamic teachings and science in social life and academically.
Module content
Introduction, Learning: History, Object/Scope, Objectives, and Methodology of Islamic and Science CoursesHumans, the Universe, and Islam and Their RelationsIslam: Religion, Philosophy, Science, and CivilizationSoul, Heart, Reason and Knowledge: Position, Relationship and Process and Formation of KnowledgeThe Concept of Science in Islam: Definition, Source, Methodology, Object of Study, Position, Function, and Hierarchy/Structure of ScienceAdab and Culture of Science in Muslim Societies: Concepts, Systems, Values and Social HistoryEpistemology, Ontology and Axiology as well as Logic and Language of Science from an Islamic PerspectiveHistory of the Growth and Development of Science in Islam: Theological and Historical StudiesUshuluddin and Sharia Sciences: Concept, Scope, Methodology and Role in LifeNatural and Health Sciences in Islam: Concept, Scope, Methodology and Role in LifeHumanities and Social Sciences in Islam: Concept, Scope, Methodology and Role in LifeIslam, Technological Engineering and Social Change: Information Technology, Biotechnology, Cyber War, Climate Change and Social DisruptionThe Future and Challenges of Science in the Islamic World: Secularism, Liberalism, Colonialism and Taqlidism and Their Impact on Human CivilizationIslamization and Integration of Knowledge in Islam: Concept and Implementation in Islamic Higher Education
Recommended Literatures   Al-Quran al-Karim dan Terjemah TafsiriyahAl-Kutub al-Sittah (Shahih al-Bukhari, Shahih Muslim, Sunan al-Tirmidzi, Sunan al-Nasai, dan Sunan Ibn Majah).Abu Samrah, Mahmùd Ahmad wa al-Barghùtsî ’Imâd Ahmad. 2016. Al-Islâm wa al-”Ilm, (al-Quds Palestina: Jami’ah al-Quds).Arif, Syamsuddin. 2008. Orientalis dan Diabolisme Pemikiran, Jakarta: Gema Insani Press.Bakar, Osman, 1994. Tauhid dan Sains, Bandung: Pustaka Hidayah.Bakhtiar, Amsal. 2004. Filsafat Ilmu, Jakarta: PT.ârabî, 1996. Ihshâ al-‘Ulûm, Beirut: Dar wa MaktabahâlÎ, Abu Hâmid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Thûsî, 1968. Ihyâ ‘Ulûm al-Dîn, Beirut: Dar al-Ma’rifah, jilidâlî, 2000. Maqâshid al-Falâsifah, Dimsyiq: Mathba’ah al-DhibahHamâdah, Husain, 1987. Târikh al-Ulům ‘inda al-‘Arab, Beirut: al-Syirkah al-‘Alamiyah li al-Kitab.Hamûr, Ahmad Ibrâhîm, 1987. al-Hadlârah al-Islâmiyah, Mesir: Dar al-Kutub al-Mishriyah.Hasbu al-Nabî, Manshûr Mahmûd. tth. Al-Islâm wa al-‘Ilm, Kairo: Dar al-Ma’arif.Hasan, Ghâlib, 2001. Nazhariyah al-‘Ilm fi Alqur’ân, Beirût: Darl ‘Abduh wa Jâbir, Bahrâd. tth, al-Wâfî fî Târikh al-‘Ulům ‘inda al-‘Arab, Dar al-Fikr al-Lubnani.Hoodbhoy, Pervez. 1992. Islam and Science, Religion Orthodoxy and the Batle for Rationality, Malaysia: S. Abdul Majeed Co. Edisi berjudul Indonesia Ikhtiar Menegakkan Rasionalitas Antara Sains dan Ortodoksi Islam, 1996. Bandung: Mizan.Ibn Rusyd, 2004. Bidayah al-Mujtahid wa Nihayah al-Muqtashid, Kairo: Dar, Abu Bakar Jabir. 2004. Aqidah al-Mu’min, Madinah: Maktabah al-’Ulûm wa al-Hikam.Khalaf, Abdul Wahhab. 1978. Ushul Fiqh, Dar al-’Ilm.Mahzar, Armahedi, 2004. Revolusi Integralisme Islam, Bandung: Mizan.Mathews, Michael R (Ed.). 2009. Science, Wordlview and Education, Springer.Al-Muhasibî, al-Harits ibn Asad. 1971. Al-’Aql wa Fahm Alqurân, (Beirut: Dar al-Fikr).Nasoetion, Andi Hakim. 1989. Pengantar ke Filsafat Sains, Bogor: Litera AntarNusaal-Razi, Fakhruddin, Mafâtih al-Ghaib, Beirût: Dâr Ihyâal-Turâts al-‘Arabî, 1429 H.Rabî’ Muhammad Syahâtah 1998. Al -Turâts al-Nafsî ‘inda ‘Ulamâ al-Muslimîn, (al-Iskandariyah: Dar al-Ma’rifah al-Jami’iyah).Sarwar. H.G. 1994. Filsafat Al-Quran, Jakarta:PT RajaGrafindo Persada.Suriasumantri, Jujun S. 1995. Filsafat Ilmu Sebuah Pengantar Populer, Jakarta: PT Sinar Harapan.Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Nor, 1998. The Educational Philosophy and Practice of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, diterjemahkan oleh Hamid Fahmy dkk, Filsafat dan Praktik Pendidikan Islam Syed M. Naquib al-Attas, Bandung: Mizan.Wan Daud, Wan Mohd Nor, 2019. Budaya Ilmu, Kualalumpur: CASIS-HAKIMAl-Yubi, Muhammad Sa’ad ibn Ahmad, 1998. Maqâshid al-Syarîah al-Islâmiyah, Riyadl: Dar al-Hijrah li al-Nasyr wa al-Tawzi’.
  Zahra, Muhammad. 2008. Ushul Fiqh, Jakarta: Pustaka Firdaus.Zarabuzu, Jamaluddin, Mâ Huwa al-Islâm, 1434 H. Arab Saudi: Wizarah li al-Syâun al-Islâmiyah wa al-Awqâf wa al-Da’wah‘Abd al-Mun’im, 1992. Muhammad, Al-‘Adab al-‘Arabi fi al-‘Ashr al-‘Abbasi, Beirut: Dar al-Jail.Abdul Baqi, Muhammad Fuad, tth. Al-Mu’jam al-Mufahras li al-Fâzh al-Qur’ân al- al-Karîm, Bandung: CV Diponegoro, tth.Abdurrahman, Dudung, dkk. 2009. Sejarah Peradaban Islam: dari Masa Klasik hingga Modern, Yogyakarta:âwî, Nâshiruddîn Abû Saîd Abdullah bin ‘Umar bin Muhammad al-Syairâzî, Tafsîr al-Baidlâwî, Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Turats, 1418 H, juz V. al-Fairûz-âbâdî, Majduddin Muhammad bin Ya’qûb, 1993. Al-Qâmûs al-Muhîth, Kairo: Dar al-Hadî, M.H. al-Hamid, 2000. Membangun Peradaban: Sejarah Muhammad Saw Sejak Sebelum Diutus Menjadi Nabi, Bandung: Pustaka Hidayah.Ibn Hazm, 1997. Al-Akhlâq wa al-Siyar fî Mudâwâh al Nufûs, Beirut: Dar al-Afâq al-Jadîdah.Ibn Khaldûn, 1992. Kitab al-‘Ibrar, wa Diwan al-Mubtada’ wa al-Khabar, fi Ayyam al-‘Arab wa al-‘Ajam wa al-Barbar, wa man Asharuhum min Dzawi al-Sulthân al-‘Akbar (Libanon : Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiah. al-Khatîb, Muhammad 'Ajjaj, 1997. Al-Sunnah Qabla al- Tadwîn, Beirut, Libanon, Maktabah Dar al-Fikr,, Abû al-Hasan ‘Ali bin Muhammad bin Habîb, tth. Adâb al-Dunyâ wa al-Dîn, Jeddah:ân, Manna al-Khalîl, 1973. Mabâhits fi ‘Ulûm al-Qur’ân, Riyâdh: Mansyûrât al-‘Ashr al-Hadî, Yusuf.1981. Kaifa Nata’amul ma’a al-Sunnah al-Nbawiyah, al-Ma’had al-‘Ali li al-Fikr al-Islami, 1981.Shaleh, Qomarudin, dkk, 1986. Asbabun Nuzul, Bandung:î, Muhammad ‘Abdul Karim bin Ahmad Abû Bakar Ahmad, Al-Milal wa al-Nihal, Beirut: Dar al-Fikr,ân, Mahmûd, Taisîr Musthalah al-Hadîts, Jeddah: Makthabah al-Haramain, 1985, 2000. Jâmi’ al-Bayân fi Ta’wîl Alqurân, tahkik Ahmad Muhammad Syâkir, tt: Muassah al-Risalah.Yatim, Badri, 1997. Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada.

FST6095202 Ornithology

Module NameOrnithology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095202
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleWalid Rumblat, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 =  2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students have knowledge of theoretical concepts in ornithology
Module content
Origin and Evolutionary HistoryBody characteristics and functions of birdsBehaviour and EnvironmentBehaviour and CommunicationPopulation Dynamics and ConservationBirds and peopleIntroduction to waterbirdsBird surveying and photography techniques
Recommended Literatures   Wallace GJ dan Mahan HD. An Introduction to Ornithology. 1975. MacMillan Publishing. New York.Gill FB. Ornithology 3rd edition. 2007. WH Freeman and Company. New YorkPeterson RT. 1980. Burung. Tira Pustaka. JakartaTirtaningtyas FN dan Febrianto I. 2013. Burung pantai: panduan lapangan di pantai cemara, Jambi. Wildlife Indonesia Society-Indonesia Programe. Bogor.Bibby CJ, Burgess ND, Hill DA. 1992. Bird census techniques. London. Academic Press.

FST6095204 Bacteriology

Module NameBacteriology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095204
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si., Arina Findo, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through flipped learning method by introducing the learning material before class with classroom time. Student understanding is sharpen by discussing problems of related topics from reputable international journals. Students' skills are enriched by carrying out miniprojects.  
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 /30  = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant sciences to understand developing problems, issues and their applications. Students are able to use standard methodologies to solve problems related to biology and their implementation. Students are able to demonstrate the results of conceptual, analytical, logistical and innovative thinking in oral and written form. Students are able to participate actively in the development of science and technology throughout their lives.
Module content
Introduction (background history and general properties of bacteria)External structure of bacteriaInternal structure of bacteriaIsolation and cultivation of bacteriaIdentification of bacteria by cultivation-dependent methodIdentification of bacteria by cultivation-independent methodClassification of bacteriaBacterial environmentGroups of bacteria in natureGroups of pathogenic bacteria in human
Recommended Literatures Madigan, M. T., Bender, K. S., Buckley, D. H., Sattley, W. M., Stahl, D. (2022). Brock Biology of Microorganisms 16th edition. Global Edition. Pearson Education Limited.Rosenberg, E., DeLong, E. F., Lory, S., Stackebrandt, E., & Thompson, F. (Eds.). (2014). The prokaryotes: other major lineages of Bacteria and the Archaea. Springer.Goodfellow, M. and A.G. O’Donell (Editors). 1994. Handbook of New Bacterial Systematics. Academic Press, London.Holt, J.G. et al (Eds). 1994. Bergeys Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. Ninth Edition. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore.Singleton, P. 1995. Bacteria in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine. Third Edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York.International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

FST6095205 Phycology

Module NamePhycology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095205
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through flipped learning method by introducing the learning material before class with classroom time. Student understanding is sharpen by discussing problems of related topics from reputable international journals.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to understand biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to analyze environmental problems.
Module content
Introduction to algal cell structurePhysiology of algaeNutrition of algaeIsolation and purification of algaeCultivation and preservation of algaeClassification of algaeIdentification of algaeCyanobacteria and GlaucophytaRhodophytaChlorophytaEuglenophytaDinophytaAnother group of algaeAlgal environment
Recommended Literatures Lee, R. E. (2018). Phycology. Cambridge University Press.Baweja, P., & Sahoo, D. (2015). Classification of algae. In The algae world. Springer, Dordrecht.
Ynalvez, R. A., Dinamarca, J., & Moroney, J. V. (2018). Algal Photosynthesis. eLS, 1-9.Bellinger, E. G., & Sigee, D. C. (2015). Freshwater algae: identification, enumeration and use as bioindicators. John Wiley & Sons.Kunci identifikasi berbasis web research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

FST6095207 Terrestrial Ecology

Module NameTerrestrial Ecology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095207
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through flipped learning method by introducing the learning material before class with classroom time. Student understanding is sharpen by discussing problems of related topics from reputable international journals. Students' skills are enriched by carrying out miniprojects.  
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain the background of ecology and the development of ecological scienceStudents are able to explain the concepts of environmental ecology, plant ecology and animal ecologyStudents are able to master the thermodynamic principles of ecosystems and their constituent componentsStudents are able to describe methods for measuring and analyzing ecosystemsStudents are able to analyze ecosystem problems with their expertise in the field of biology to develop their commitment to environmental conservation in an effort to create an independent, honest and tough character.Students are able to communicate the results of ecological research effectively both orally and in writingAble to make decisions based on ecological data as a form of responsibility in carrying out tasks
Module content
Basic concepts of ecosystemsThe process of forming an ecosystem and the distribution of species in the ecosystemEnergy in ecosystemsBiogeochemical CyclesLaw of tolerance and limiting factorsEcosystem typesPopulation and communityInter specific and intra specific interactionsPlant ecologyAnimal Ecology and animal behaviorBIOGEOGRAPHY
Recommended Literatures   Cox,WG. 2002. General Ecology. Laboratory Manual. Mc.Graww Hill.Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamental of Ecology. Toppan company Ltd. Tokyo.Krebs JR & Davies NB. 1989. Behavioural ecology.An Evolutionary Approach. Black well scientific publications.Setiadi,Dede. Puspo Dewi.T. 1989. Dasar dasar Ekologi. IPB.Bogor.Soerianegara,I. Dan Andry Indrawan. Ekologi Hutan Indonesia. IPB.Bogor.Wirakusumah,Sambas. 2003. Dasar Dasar Ekologi. UI.Jakarta.

FST6095208 Urban Entomology

Module NameUrban entomology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095208
Semester(s) in which the module is taught4
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.94 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Generalise basic knowledge of entomology that can lead to detailed knowledge at an advanced stage
Module content
Introduction and introduction to the world of insectsFamiliarity with insect morphologyBody structure and physiology of insectsInsect metamorphosisInsect collection techniquesEcological role of insectsButterfly conservation in urban areasBioecology of social insectsBioecology of solitary insectsFamiliarity with insects in housingGetting to know insects in warehousesInsects and phytosanitaryJournal presentationJournal presentation
Recommended Literatures Campbell et al. 2006. Biology Concept and Connection. Pearson Benjamin Cummings. San Francisco.Borror, Triplehorn and Johnson. 2004. Introduction to study the insect.

FST6095118 Molecular Biology

Module NameMolecular Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095118
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si., Drh. RR Bhintarti, M.Biomed
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursClass discussion per-group with different topic according to RPS, structured activities (searching and discussion of journal and quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h; Total = 82.33 hours82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Structured assignment 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to master the concepts of Molecular Biology, the processes that occur in changes in genetic material in living things, technological processes using living things, the benefits of molecular biology in human life and able to conduct research related to molecular biology.
Module content
Lecture contract, History and development of molecular biology and genetic chemistry (DNA)DNA replicationDNA transcriptionDNA translationChanges in genetic materialMolecular identification methodsGene ExpressionPlasmids, Restriction Enzymes and Extrachromosomal Genetic MaterialRecombination BasicsIntroduction to Cloning, TRLP and DGGE processesIntroduction to Fingerprint, DNA Barcoding, NGS, metagenomicsMolecular Biology Applications
Recommended Literatures   Alberts, B., Bray, D., Lewis, J., Raff, M., Roberts, K., Watson, J.D., 1989, Molecular Biology of The Cell, 2nd ed., Garland Publishing, Inc., New YorkDarnell, J., Lodish, H., Baltimore, D., 1990, Molecular Cell Biology,Scientific American Books, New York.Yuwono, T., 2006, Biologi Molekuler, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta.

FST6095119 Practicum Molecular Biology

Module NamePracticum Molecular Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095119
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si., Drh. RR Bhintarti, M.Biomed
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursPracticum, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 60 min x 14 wks = 14 h Independent study: 1 x 60 min x 14 wks = 14 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 66 hours66  / 30 = 2.20 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.20 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to master the principles and techniques used in the field of molecular biology
Module content
Lecture contract & introduction to laboratory K3 principles in molecular biology practicumIntroduction to molecular biology analysis toolsPreparation of materials for molecular biology analysisIsolation of bacterial chromosomal DNAIsolation of plant DNAIsolation of fungal DNAIsolation of leukocyte DNAQuantitative DNA testQualitative DNA testingPreparation for DNA amplification via PCRDNA amplification via PCR and visualization of PCR result DNAProtein isolationQuantitative test/protein contentSDS-PAGE Electrophoresis
Recommended Literatures Suryohastari, B., & Rahmah, F. A. (2014). Penuntun praktikum biologi molekuler. Jakarta: Program Studi Biologi Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif HidayatullahAlbert, B., Johnson, J., Lewis, M., Raff, K., Roberts., & Walter, P. (2002). Molecular biology if the cell, 4th Edition. USA: Garland Science. Amani, J., Kazemi, R., RezaAbbasi, A., & Salmanian, A. H. (2011). A simple and rapid leaf genomic DNA extraction method for polymerase chain reaction analysis. Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 9(1). (18 Oktober 2014) Fatchiyah, E. L., Arumingtyas, S., Widyarti., & Rahayu, S. (2011). Biologi molekuler prinsip dasar analisis. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.Miller, S. A., Dykes, D. D., & Polesky, H. F. (1988). A simple salting out procedure for extracting DNA from human nucleated cells. Nucleic Acids Research, 16(3). http://www/ (21 Oktober 2014)Sambrook, J., Fritschi, E. F., & Maniatis, T. (1989). Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. New York: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.Yuwono, T. (2005). Biologi molekuler. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga

FST6095120 Natural Resource and Management

Module NameNatural resource management
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095120
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud., Etyn Yunita, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursClass discussion per-group, structured activities (searching and discussion of journal ), problem based learning
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to analyze environmental problems.
Module content
Natural resources conceptGlobal environmental problemsManagement of marine and coastal resourcesForest managementAir and water managementEnergy managementMineral managementPopulationSustainable development (SDGs)Introduction to AMDALDiscuss the research results
Recommended Literatures   Karden E.S. Malik. 2007. Pengelolaan lingkungan hidupSuryani. 1990. Kependudukan, Ekologi & lingkunganNybakken, J. W. 1992. Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis. P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Jakarta.Dahuri R, Rais J, Ginting SP dan Sitepu M.J. 2001. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan Secara Terpadu. PT. Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.Effendi, H. 2003. Telaah kualitas air: bagi pengelolaan sumber daya dan lingkungan periaran.Kanisius: Yogyakarta.Fardiaz, S. 1992. Polusi air dan udara. Kerjasama Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kanisius: YogyakartaSutarno. 2013. Sumber Daya Energi. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta.Kebijakan Mineral dan Batubara Indonesia. 2021. Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara, Kementerian Energi dan Sumberdaya Mineral RI.Suratmo,F.G. (2004).Analisis mengenai Dampak Lingkungan,cetakan kesepuluh (revisi),Yogyakarta:Gadjah Mada University Press.Otto Soemarwoto, 1987. Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, PPSDAL, Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung.Kepmen dan Permen tentang Lingkungan HidupInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095121 Principles of Biotechnology

Module NamePrinciples of Biotechnology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095121
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si, Dr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursClass discussion per-group, structured activities (quizzes), problem based learning (by discussing cases in reputable international journals)  
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, Students are able mastering the concept of BiotechnologyStudents have the competence to explain the meaning of biotechnology, and the benefits of its application in various fields of lifeStudents are able to explain technological processes with the help of the role of mycorrhizaeStudents are able to conduct research related to biotechnology
Module content
SCOPE & DEVELOPMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGYConventional biotechnology and modern biotechnologyFermentation biotechnology; principles of microbial cultivation, bioreactor design, and media design.Genetic engineering (recombinant DNA technology),Microbial biotechnologyPlant BiotechnologyEnvironmental BiotechnologyBioenergyGene therapyMonoclonal antibodiesStem cells
Recommended Literatures Primrose, S.B. (1987). Modern Biotechnology. London: Blackwell Scientific Publications. 2. Thieman, William.J., andPalladino, Michael, A. (2013). Introduction to Biotechnology. 3rd edition. Boston: Pearson.Higgins, I.J. (1985). Biotechnology Principles and Applications. London: Blackwell Scientific PublicationsWilliam J. Thieman, Benjamin Cummings; US Ed edition. Introduction to Biotechnology. 2003Steve Prentis, Bioteknologi, Penerbit Erlangga, 1990Biochemistry, Geoffrey Zubay, 3rd Ed., Wm. C. Brown Publisher, 1993Bacterial Metabolism, Gerhard Gottschalk, Springer-Verlag, 1978

FST6096150 Environmental Chemistry

Module NameEnvironmental Chemistry
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6096150
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleEtyn Yunita, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursMini project based learning
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including environmental pollution problemsAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including Waste ProblemsAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including Water PollutionAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including Soil PollutionAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including Air PollutionAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including environmental toxicologyAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise management of natural resources including Food and Drug PollutionAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise management of natural resources including pollution by industryAfter attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to understand environmental problems scientifically, understand how to manage pollution and be able to design wise natural resource management including biogeochemical cycles
Module content
Pollution ProblemsWater PollutionSoil PollutionAir PollutionEnvironmental toxicologyFood and Drug PollutionPollution By industryBiogeochemical cycles
Recommended Literatures Ahmad Rukesih, Environmental ChemistryHefni Effendi, Chemistry of the aquatic environment.Wardhana, W.A. 2004. Impact of Environmental Pollution. Andi. Yogyakarta.Mahida, UN. 1986. Water pollution. Hawk. Jakarta.Connel & Miller. 1995. Chemical Ecotoxicology of Pollution. UI Press. Jakarta.Soemirat, Y. 2003. Environmental toxicology. UGM. Yogyakarta.Darmono. 1995. Metals in the Biological Systems of Living Things. UI. Jakarta.Soemarwoto O. 1988. Environmental Impact Analysis. UGM Press YogyakartaSastrawijaya. 1991. Environmental Pollution. Rineka Cipta. Jakarta. 10.National &; international journals

FST6096151 Practicum Environmental Chemistry

Module NamePracticum Environmental Chemistry
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6096151
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleEtyn Yunita, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursPracticum, class discussion, structured activities (homework, quizzes).
WorkloadLecture (practicum): (1 x 150 min) x 14 wks = 35 hStructured activities: 1 x 60 min x 14 wks = 14 h Independent study: 1 x 60 min x 14 wks = 14 hExam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 66 hours66 / 30 = 2.20 ECTS
Credit points1 Credit Hours ≈ 2.20 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After this course, students will have the ability to apply fundamental concepts of environmental chemistry in environmental chemistry laboratory experiments
Module content
IntroductionModule 1: Introduction to Sampling Equipment and AirModule 2: Water Sampling and In-Situ Parameter MeasurementModule 3: Ammonia (N-NH3) Analysis in Water Using the Phenate MethodModule 4: Sulfate (SO4)2- Analysis in Water by SpectrophotometryModule 5: Lead and Cadmium Analysis in Water Using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer)Module 6: Air Sampling and Noise MeasurementModule 7: Particulate Dust Measurement Using Gravimetric MethodsModule 8: Ammonia Air MeasurementModule 9: Nitrite Air MeasurementModule 10: SO2 Air Measurement
Recommended Literatures Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Module

UIN6000208 Research Methodology

Module NameResearch methodology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeUIN6000208
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered in 3 activities: 1.      Provide material to students along with several examples of research activities for discussion in class 2.      Students make a draft of a research proposal and students must present it in class, followed by discussion in class and then the lecturer will carry out an evaluation. 3. Giving some research paper from Journal and discuss in class
WorkloadLecture (class): (3 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 35 h Structured activities: 3 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 h Independent study: 3 h x 50 min x 14 wks = 35 h Exam: lecture 90 min x 2 times = 3 hTotal = 108 hours108 / 30 = 3.60 ECTS
Credit points3 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 3.60 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to master the concept of scientific research and master how to conduct scientific research and be able to plan and write research proposals with the right scientific research format that is appropriate and correct
Module content
Basic concepts of scientific researchProblems, variables and research methodsFramework of thinkingHypothesisResearch designSampling techniqueData collection techniqueData analysis techniqueBibliography writing techniquesTechniques for making research proposalsJournal article writing techniquesProposal presentationProposal presentationProposal presentation
Recommended Literatures   Lily Surayya Eka Putri. 2008. Metodologi Penelitian untuk Bidang Sains. Lembaga Penelitian UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.UNEP. 2005. Solid waste management. Ca Recovery. Inc.Cholid Narbuko dan Abu Ahmadi. 2007. Metodologi Penelitian. Penerbit Bumi Aksara.Sugiyono. 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Alfabeta. Jakarta.Kepmen dan Permen tentang Limbah dan Lingkungan HidupWriting guidelines in the Al-Kauniyah JournalGuidelines for writing a thesis for Biology Study Program, FST, UIN JakartaInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095209 Plant Tissue Culture

Module NamePlant Tissue Culture
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095209
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe learning methods used are flipped and mini projects. Material is discussed in groups. The topics discussed are in accordance with the learning material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to use standard methodologies and software to solve problems related to biology and their implementation. Students are able to work independently and in teams according to their skills. Students are able to interpret research data.
Module content
Introduction to plant tissue culture: Understanding and benefits of tissue culture, the science underlying plant tissue culture, the scope of tissue culture studies, the history of the development of tissue cultureBasic principles of Tissue Culture: Cell Totipotency, proliferation, cell differentiation & dedifferentiation, embryogenesis and organogenesis, and in vitro cell growth factorsExplants in plant tissue culture: leaves, meristems, seeds, anthers, embryo cultures, callusTissue culture applications on solid media: sterilization, media (P)Tissue culture applications on solid media: explants, planting and maintenance (PTissue culture applications on solid media: maintenance, observation (P)Haploid culture and protoplast fusionTissue culture applications on liquid media: sterilization, media (P)Tissue culture applications on liquid media: explants, planting and maintenance (PTissue culture applications on liquid media: maintenance, observation (P)Acclimatization: Acclimatization techniques and supporting factors (P)In vitro selection and somaclonal variationMicropropagation: horticultures, woody plants, flowers, tubersMeristem culture (virus-free culture)
Recommended Literatures Doyle, A and J. Bryan. 1988, Cell and Tissue Culture, Laboratory Procedures in Biotechnology, John Wiley and Son, Toronto.Hartman HT, D.E. Kester, F.T. Davies Jr and R.L. Geneve, 2002, Plant Propagation, Principles and Practices, seventh edition, Pearson Education,Inc.Smith , R.H., 2000, Plant Tissue Culture, Academic Press, San Diego, USA.Pierik.International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

FST6095210 Aquatic Ecology

Module NameAquatic Ecology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095210
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Agus Salim, S.Ag,M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to analyze environmental problems.
Module content
The term ecology, levels of organization of life,Division of ecology, relationship of ecology with other sciences, and aquatic ecologyAquatic ecosystem.Stagnant water ecosystems include introduction, objectives, benefits, determining stationsDetermination of physical, chemical, biological parameters.Flowing water ecosystem.brackish water ecosystem,Mangrove ecosystem.Marine ecosystems consisting of seagrass ecosystems, seagrass zoning.Identify seagrass.Determination of water quality parameters (physical parameters) of mangrove ecosystemsDetermination of water quality parameters (chemical parameters) of mangrove ecosystemsDetermination of water quality parameters (biological parameters) of mangrove ecosystemsField trips
Recommended Literatures   Bengen, Dietriech G. 2001. Sinopsis ekosistem dan sumber daya pesisir dan laut. Pusat Kajian Sumber Daya Pesisir dan Lautan.Bengen DG. 2009. Perspektif ekosistem pesisir dan laut dalam karakteristik dan dinamikanya. Tidak dipublikasikan. Bahan Kuliah Mayor Ilmu Kelautan, FPIK, IPB. Bogor.Dahuri R, Rais J, Ginting SP dan Sitepu M.J. 2001. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan Secara Terpadu. PT. Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.Effendi, H. 2003. Telaah kualitas air: bagi pengelolaan sumber daya dan lingkungan perairan. Kanisius: Yogyakarta.Ewusse, S.Y. 1990. Ekologi Tropik, Terjemahan Usman Tanuwijaya. ITB. BandungGonawi, G.R. 2009. Struktur Komunitas Nekton Di Sungai Cihideung, Bogor, Jawa Barat. [skripsi]. Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan. FPIK IPBFardiaz, S. 1992. Polusi air dan udara. Kerjasama Antar Universitas Pangan dan Gizi. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kanisius: YogyakartaHarteman, Edison. 1998. Afinitas Komunitas Ikan dengan Habitat di Sungai Kapuas, Kabupaten Kapuas, Kalimantan Tengah. [Tesis]. Fakultas Pasca Sarjana. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor (tidak dipublikasikan).Nurcahyadi, Wahyu. 2000. Keanekaragaman Sumberdaya Hayati Ikan di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Cikaniki dan Cisukawayana, Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Jawa Barat. [Skripsi]. Progaram Studi Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan. FPIK. IPB. Bogor (tidak dipublikasikan).Nybakken, J. W. 1992. Biologi Laut Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis. P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama. JakartaRangkuti, Ahmad M. 2009. Studi Kandungan Logam Berat Hg, Pb, dan Cd pada Air dan Sedimen di Perairan Pulau Panggang-Pramuka Kep. Seribu DKI Jakarta. [skripsi]. Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK IPBWijaya, K.H. 2009. Komunitas Perifiton Dan Fitoplankton Serta Parameter Fisika-Kimia Perairan Sebagai Penentu Kualitas Air Di Bagian Hulu Sungai Cisadane, Jawa Barat. [skripsi]. Departemen Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, FPIK IPBInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095211 Mycology

Module NameMycology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095211
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si., Reno Fitri, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursShort discussion by students and divided into 8 groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the topik lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation by LCD/smart TV
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to apply knowledge about fungi in everyday life to society, industry and the environment. Students are able to recognize the diversity of macro and micro fungi Students are able to carry out research related to fungi
Module content
Lecture contract, Concept of the position of fungi in the plant worldFungal growth and metabolismReproduction of fungi 1Reproduction of fungi 2Macroscopic, microscopic characteristics, reproductive organs and the diversity of Oomycetes, ZymycetesMacroscopic, microscopic characteristics, diversity and reproductive organs of AscomycetesMacroscopic, microscopic characteristics, reproductive organs, and diversity BasidiomycetesHow to identify fungiFungi and deteriorationThe role of fungi in food and industryThe role of fungi in health and the environmentMushroom cultivationDiscussion of mini project reportsDiscussion of mini project reportsDiscussion of mini project reports
Recommended Literatures   Alexopoulus, J.C. dan Mims, C.W. 1907. Introductory Mycology. John Willey & Sons New YorkBarnett, H. L., & Hunter, B. B. (1998). Illustrated Genera of Imperfect Fungi 4th Edition. 218Cappuccino, J. G., & Sherman, N. (2005). Microbiology: a laboratory manualWatkinson, S. C., Boddy, L., & Money, N. (2015). The fungi. Academic Press.Darnetty, 2006. Pengantar Mikologi. Andalas University Press. PadangDwidjoseputro. 1978. Pengantar Mikologi. Penerbit Alumni. BandungGandjar, I, R.A. Samson, K van den Tweel-Vermeulen, A. Oetari dan I Santoso. 1999. Pengenalan Kapang Tropik Umum. Yayasan Obor Indonesia. JakartaGandjar, I., A. Oetari,dan W. Sjamsuridzal.. 2006. Mikologi Dasar dan Penerapan. Yayasan Obor Indonesia. JakartaAchmad (2013). Panduan Lengkap Jamur. Depok: Penebar Swadaya.

FST6095212 Ethology

Module NameEthology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095212
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students can understand the theories and concepts of animal behavior, understand how to observe animal behavior, analyze animal behavior, conduct animal behavior research and identify potential values obtained from animal behavior.
Module content
Animal behavior and human behaviorElements of behavior: ways of studyingDifferent capacities: anatomy and behaviorInternal causes: the physiology of behaviorLearning: the influence of experienceHeredity and behaviorIntelligence: the organization of behaviorSocial behavior and social organizationCommunication: Animal languageBehavior and environmentBehavior and evolution
Recommended Literatures John Paul Scott. 1972. Animal behavior. The University of Chicago Press. ChicagoNiko Tinbergen. 1979. Perilaku binatang. Pustaka Alam Life. JakartaPaolo Casale. Animal behavior: instinct, learning, cooperation.Barnard, Chris. 2004. Animal Behavior; Mechanism, Development, Function and Evolution. England: Pearson Prentice Hall.

FST6095213 Secondary Metabolism

Module NameSecondary Metabolism
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095213
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDrs, Dede Sukandar, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After attending this lecture students are expected to: Able to apply the process of isolation and identification of secondary metabolic compoundsAble to analyse the classification, structural variation, tatanama, biosynthesis and synthesis of terpenoids.Able to analyse the classification, structure, stereochemistry and activity of steroidsAble to analyse the classification and origin of phenylpropanoidsAble to synthesise the structure, biosynthesis, properties and synthesis of polyketidesAble to analyze the classification, structure, interconversion and synthesis of flavonoidAble to analyze the classification, structure, rearrangement and synthesis of alkaloidsAble to synthesize useful natural material compoundsAble to apply metabolomics and biotransformation approaches
Module content
Isolation and identification of secondary metabolic compoundsClassification and biosynthesis of terpenoidsStructure and stereochemistry of terpenoids 4.Cyclisation and Wagner-Meerwein RearrangementStructure and Properties of SteroidsStructure and Activity of SteroidsClassification and Origin of PhenylpropanoidsStructure and Biosynthesis of PolyketidesProperties and Synthesis of Phenylpropanoids and PolyketidesClassification and Structure of FlavonoidsInterconversion and Synthesis of FlavonoidsClassification and Structure of AlkaloidsAlkaloid Rearrangement and SynthesisUseful Natural Material CompoundsMetabolomics and biotransformation approaches of secondary metabolism
Recommended Literatures Achmad, Sjamsul Arifin, 1986, Kimia Organik Bahan Alam, Karunika, Jakarta.Nakanishi, Koji, et.all, 1983, Natural Products Chemistry - Vol. 1,2,3, University Science Books, California.Sarker SD, Latif Z and Gray AI. Natural Product Isolation. 2006. 2nd Edition. Humana Press Inc. TotowaParijadi RAA, Putri SP. 2017. Aplikasi Pendekatan Metabolomik untuk Tanaman. ITB. BandungDoble Mukesh. Kruthiventi Kumar Anil and Ganjanan Vila. 2004. Biotranforation and Bioprocesses. 1st Edition. CRC Press. Boca Raton.

FST6095214 Mammalogy

Module NameMammalogy
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095214
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain the definition of mammology, scope, history and its relationship to other fields of science.Students are able to identify types of mammals in JavaStudents are able to identify types of mammal groupsStudents get to know the various types of natural habitats of mammals.Students are able to analyze mammal ecology problems with their expertise in the field of biology to develop their commitment to mammal conservation in an effort to create an independent, honest and tough character.Students are able to communicate the results of mammal ecology research effectively both orally and in writingAble to make decisions based on mammal ecological data as a form of responsibility in carrying out tasks
Module content
Introduction to MammalogyClassification and Distribution of MammalsEvolution and Biogeography of MammalsMammalian Morphology and Movement SystemsReproduction and GrowthMammal Social GroupsHabitatsCommunication and Spatial Relationships of MammalsSocial BehaviorFeeding EcologyReproductive StrategyMammal CommunityMammal Research MethodsMammal Conservation
Recommended Literatures Feldhamer, GA., Drickamer, LC., Vessey SH., Merritt JF., Krajewski, C. 2015. Mammalogy: Adaptation, Diversity, Ecologi (Fourth Edition). Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore.Jones, JK., Anderson, S. 1976. Readings in Mammalogy. The University of Kansas Printing Service. Kansas.Mayer, William (Eds.). 1965. Physiological Mammalogy. Volume 1: Mammalian Population. Academic Press. New YorkMayer, William (Eds.). 1965. Physiological Mammalogy. Volume 2: Mammalian Reaction to Stressful Environment. Elsevier Science. Burlington

FST6095215 Palynology

Module NamePalynology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095215
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to interpret research data. Students are able to demonstrate the results of conceptual, analytical, logical and innovative thinking in oral and written form.
Module content
Pollen and spores and their usesPollen as fossil evidenceMorphological characters of pollen: units and shapeAperture class and typeNumber and position of aperturesPollen size and symmetryPollen polarity and exine ornamentationPollen sample collection techniquesPollen preservation preparation methodThe link between pollen and healthPollen as evidence of plant systematicsPollen and pollinatorsPaleoecologyPollen diversity of ornamental plants around campus.
Recommended Literatures Agashe, S.N. 2019. Pollen and Spores: Application with special emphasis on Aerobiology and allergy. England, CRC Press.Halbritter, H., Ulrich, S., Grímsson, F., Weber, M., Zetter, R. Hesse, M., Buchner, R., Frosch-Radivo, M.S.A. 2018. Illustrated Pollen Terminology. Springer.

FST6095216 Population Genetics

Module NamePopulation Genetics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095216
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si.,.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe learning methods used are problem-based, flipped and case studies. Material is discussed in groups. The topics discussed are in accordance with the learning material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course students are able to analyze genetics and changes in populations based on the concept of population genetics which can be used to write observation reports and other practice-oriented case study research.
Module content
The concept of population genetics: understanding and scope of population geneticsImplications of Mendel's laws of inheritance in populationsHardy-Weinberg law and the concept of gene frequency, genotype in populationsRandom mating in the populationNatural selectionMutation
MigrationInbredPopulation size is limitedGenetic drift and other evolutionary forcesDouble linked genesQuantitative CharacterPolygenic characters in natural populationsMolecular genetic analysis of populations
Recommended Literatures   John H.Gillespie. 1998. Population Genetics. The Johns Hopkins University PressJoseph Felsenstein. 2019. Theoretical Evolutionary Genetics. Department of Genome Sciences and Department of Biology University of WashingtonInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

FST6095217 Herpetology

Module NameHerpetology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095217
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleFahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursLearning activities in class focus on assignments, questions and answers, discussions, presentations, or experiments related to the material. The course topics are delivered through discussing the main source of reference which are enriched with relevant examples (discussion of problem-based learning) or experiments related to the material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to understand the basic principles of herpetology in the scope of taxonomy, ecology and behavior.Students understand the basic technique to assess taxonomy and ecology of herpetofaunaAble to solve problems and apply principles and theories of herpetofauna through mini projects
Module content
Introduction to herpetologyPhysiology and ecologyReproduction systemCommunication and social behaviorBehavioral ecologyTaxonomy of amphibian classTaxonomy of reptile classMid-term examination 9-15. Mini project implementation   16. Mini Project Results Presentation
Recommended Literatures AmphibiaWeb. (2018). DT. (1998). Amfibi Jawa dan Bali. LIPI: Bogor. Hickman CP., Roberts LS., Keen SL., Larson A., I’Anson H., Eisenhour DJ. (2008). Integrated Principles of Zoology. New York: McGraw-Hill.Das I. (2010). A Field Guide to The Reptiles of South-East Asia. London: New Holland Publisher.Vitt LJ and Caldwell JP. (2009). Herpetology 3rd Edition. Academic Press: UKUetz, P., Freed, P. & Hošek, J. (eds.) (2020) The Reptile Database, http://www.reptile-database.orgAll journals of herpetofauna from Indonesia. Please see them from the herpetologist of Indonesia; Djoko Iskandar, Amir Hamidy, Helen Kurniati, Irvan Sidik, Awal Riyanto, Umilaela Arifin and others.

FST6095218 Ecotourism

Module NameEcotourism
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095218
Semester(s) in which the module is taught5
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElectivecourse for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to build bio-entrepreneurship skills.
Module content
History and development of ecotourismDefinition, concept and scope of ecotourismThe relationship between ecotourism and the socio-cultural aspects of local communitiesEconomic value of ecotourismEcotourism policyThe effect of ecotourism on the environmentProspects and partnerships in ecotourismDevelopment of sustainable ecotourism
Recommended Literatures Fennell, David A. 2003. Ecotourism, Second Edition. London: Routledge.Drumm, Andy dan Alan Moore. 2002. An Introduction to Ecotourism Planning. Virginia: The Nature Conservancy.Hill, Jennifer and Tim Gale (Ed).2009. Ecotourism and Environmental sustainability Principles and Practice. England: Ashgate Publishing.Buckley, Ralf. 2003. Case Studies in Ecotourism. UK: CABI PublishingInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in the mass media

FST6095122 Evolution

Module NameEvolution
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095122
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si., Dr. Priyanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion-based learning per-group, structured activities ( quizzes), Learning based on mini project with journal related evolution.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students can illustrate the process of animal and plant evolution
Module content
Facts supporting the theory of pre- and post-Darwinist evolutionMendel's Laws, Huge De Fries and Hardy Weinberg's Laws and Their DeviationsPhylogeny and Evolution of the genome, Favored raceAdaptation, selection, physical and reproductive isolation mechanismsGene pool, genetic drift and founder effect and bottleneck mechanismEarth's evolutionary historyVerses from the Koran relating to the evolution of the earth and their interpretationsHistory of human evolution based on fossil findingsEvolution of human cultureThe theory of evolution according to Islamic scientistsCurrent debates in evolutionary theoryHistory of paleobotanyEvolution of aquatic plants and evolution of land plantsEvolution of vascular and nonvascular plants
Recommended Literatures Iskandar, T. 2016. Evolusi. Universitas TerbukaMaynard, J. S. 2011. The theory of Evolution. Cambridge University Press.Articles relevant to the development of evolutionary theory

FST6095123 Introduction to Bioinformatics

Module NameIntroduction to Bioinformatics
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095123
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, Dr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through a flipped learning method by introducing the learning material before class with classroom time then being used to deepen understanding through discussion. The student capabilities are polished by practicing using some software.  
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with laptop and PowerPoint presentation, database DNA and protein
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
  After completing this course, students have an understanding of commonly used software in bioinformatics
Module content
Introduction (background to bioinformatics)DNA and protein sequence databaseData formatData submission and retrievalElectropherogram analysisBLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool)Multiple sequence alignmentPhylogenetic tree reconstructionData interpretation of phylogenetic treePrimer designGenome annotationProtein structure modelingDiscussion of mini project resultDiscussion of mini project result
Recommended Literatures Choudhuri, S. (2014). Bioinformatics for beginners: genes, genomes, molecular evolution, databases and analytical tools. Elsevier.Sofi, M. Y., Shafi, A., & Masoodi, K. Z. (2021). Bioinformatics for everyone. Academic Press.NCBI, DDBJ, EMBLFree tools (MEGAX, UGENE, ExPASy, dll)

FST6095134 Scientific Communication Techniques

Module NameScientific Communication Techniques
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095134
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si., Dr. Dasumiati, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through flipped learning methods by introducing the learning material before class with classroom time. Student understanding is sharpened by discussing problems of related topics.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation, video
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to express the results of their research and thoughts in the form of scientific papers, and present them according to the correct rules.
Module content
General description of scientific research and reportingTypes and characteristics of scientific papersTechniques for writing scientific papersLanguage of science: terms and definitionsScientific language: effective sentencesScientific language: paragraphsAbstract and introductionResults and discussionTables, figures and diagramsCitation and referencing techniquesCommon writing errorsEthics in publicationTechniques for creating presentation mediaPresentation techniques
Recommended Literatures Trim, B. (2017). 200+ solusi Editing Naskah dan Penerbitan. Bumi AksaraPedoman Penulisan Skripsi 2019 ( Desktop ( ( (

UIN6000207 Internship

Module NameInternship
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeUIN6000207
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleChair of Bc-Bio
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursStudents submit applications to take part in internships at companies, laboratories, and government or non-government institutions related to the field of biology. The study program appoints one supervisor from the study program and asks the institution to appoint one field supervisor. Internships are carried out for 22 working days following the regulations applicable to the institution and study program.
WorkloadIndependent study: 22 d x 7 h =154 h Total = 154 h154 / 30 = 5.13 ECTS
Credit points5.13  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course.
Recommended prerequisites 
Media employedPaper, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentInternship  examinations  are  conducted  after a student  completes his  internship  report. The  elements  of  evaluation  consist  of  a feasibility  assessment  topics,  the  level  of  student  participation during  internship,  academic  writing,  presentation,  and  oral  test about content of internship report
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to apply the basics and applied of biology to the problems in the field and develop a good communication and teamwork, also they can write internship report in a comprehensive manner
Module content
Topic is appointed by university or group of students.
Recommended Literatures Books related to the topics.

FST6095219 Food Microbiology

Module NameFood Microbiology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095219
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nani Radiastuti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursGroup  discussions are divided into ten groups. Each group was assigned to work on a topic related to the syllabus and presented in the class. Each group makes mini project learning and presented in the class as final exam
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedglass board and PowerPoint presentation by LCD/smart TV, video
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Structured assignment 30%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain the role of microbes in food processing. Students are able to explain the properties of microbes that play a role in food spoilage. Students are able to explain the role of microbes in the food industry. Students are able to trace the food halal from microbiological elements
Module content
Introduction, classification and characteristics of microbesMicrobial growth and ecologyCharacteristics of microbes that play a role in food spoilage: BacteriaCharacteristics of microbes that play a role in food spoilage: Mold and yeastMechanisms of microbial resistance to processing processesQuantitative microbiological analysis of food ingredientsMicrobiological indicators of food quality and safetyPrinciples and effects of preservation in food processing on microbesThe role of microbial culture in food processing and food halalMicrobiological control in the food service industryGenetic engineering in the food industryTypes of traditional fermented foods and drinksPresentation of mini project resultPresentation of mini project resultPresentation of mini project result
Recommended Literatures 1. Fardiaz, S. 1989. Mikrobiologi Pangan. PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB. Bogor. Frazier, W.C. & D.C. Westhoff, 1988. Food Microbiology. McGraw-Hill, Inc. Toronto.Jay, J.M. 2000. Modern Food Microbiology. Sixth Edition. Aspen Publisher, Inc. Gaithersburg, MarylandFardiaz, S. 1992. Mikrobiologi Pangan I. Gramedia, Jakarta.Fardiaz, S. 1992. Mikrobiologi Pengolahan Pangan Lanjut. PAU Pangan dan Gizi. IPB. Bogor.

FST6095220 Parasitology

Module NameParasitology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095220
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElectivecourse for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
  Able to explain terminology, concepts of parasites, hosts, vectors and predationAble to explain diseases caused by parasites and their prevention efforts 3.
Module content
Introduction and basic concepts of parasites, hosts and predationParasitology terminology and its scope from an Islamic and scientific perspectiveParasitic Rhizopods and SporozoaParasitic ciliates and flagellatesParasitic arthropodsParasitic trematodesParasitic cestodesTissue nematodesIntestinal nematodesDiagnosis of soil transmitted helminth eggsSuperficial mycosesSystemic mycosesParasite research presentationParasite research presentation
Recommended Literatures Gandahusada, S., Herry D. Illahude, Wita Pribadi.2014. Parasitologi Kedokteran edisi ketiga. GakultasKedokteran UI. JakartaOnggowaluyo J., S. 2002. Parasitologi Medik I pendekatan Aspek Identifikasi, Diagnosis dan Klinik. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran. EGC. JakartaIrianto., K. 2009. Parasitologi berbagai penyakit yang mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia. CV Yrama Widya.BandungNoble, E. R. dan G. A. Noble. 1989. Parasitology : The biology of animal parasites. Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia (US).Juni Prianti, L.A., Tcahaya PU., Darwanto. 2006. Atlas Parasitologi Kedokteran. Gramedia Pustaka Indonesia. JakartaCDC (2016). “Balantidiasis”. Wahju Sardjono, Aswin Djoko Baskoro, Agustina Tri Endharti, Sri Poeranto. 2016. Parasitologi kedokteran dan veteriner. Universitas Brawijaya Press. Malang

 FST6095221 Plant Ecophysiology

Module NamePlant Ecophysiology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095221
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe learning methods used are problem-based, flipped and case studies. Material is discussed in groups. The topics discussed are in accordance with the learning material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse cases related to plant ecophysiology based on the concept of plant ecophysiology.
Module content
Basic concepts, history and development, as well as practical aspects of Plant EcophysiologyEnvironmental factors that influence plant growthPhysiological adaptation of plants to face water stressPhysiological adaptation of plants to face salt or salinity stressPhysiological adaptation of plants to face temperature stressPhysiological adaptation of plants to face light stressPhysiological adaptation of plants to face stress of CO2Physiological adaptation of plants to face pH stress and allelochemical compoundsPhysiological adaptation of plants to face soil/nutrient stressPhysiological adaptations of plants to face excess inorganic fertilizers and pesticidesPhysiological adaptation of plants to face biotic stress (beneficial)Physiological adaptation of plants to face biotic (adverse) stressCase study of plant ecophysiology in the environment (2 Meetings)
Recommended Literatures 1. Bhatla, S.C. & Lal, M.A. (2018). Plant Physiology, Development and Metabolism. Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Singapore Lambers,H., Chapin, F.S.&Pons, T.L, R. E. (2008). Plant Phisiology Ecology. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, USAInternational research journals and e-books published less than 10 years ago.Articles published in mass media

FST6095222 Landscape Ecology

Module NameLandscape Ecology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095222
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleEtyn Yunita, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students understand the mutual relationship between architecture, humans and the environment, and understand the concept of environmentally sound landscapes, so as to be able to provide solutions to environmental changes for landscape preservation
Module content
The meaning and limitations of Ecology LandscapeComponents and interactions that occur in ecosystemEcosystem typeAnalysis vegetation analysis on an area landComponents shaping and preservation efforts landscapeEcological processes at landscapesBiota landscape at spatial scaleStructure, function, and change landscapeEcological principles landscapeLandscape elementsDiversity landscapeBalance and disturbance landscape ecology
Recommended Literatures Heinz Frick dan Tri Hesti Mulyani. 2006. Arsitektur Ekologis – Konsep arsitektur ekologis di iklim tropis, penghijauan kota dan kota ekologis serta energi terbarukan. Penerbit Kanisius dan Soegijapranata University Press.Heinz Frick dan FX Bambang Suskiyatno, 1998. Dasar-dasar Eko-arsitekur. Penerbit Kanisius dan Soegijapranata University Press.Heinz Frick dan Tri Hesti Mulyani. 2006. Arsitek Ekologis. Penerbit Kanisius dan Soegijapranata University Press.Joyce Marcella Laurens. 2004. Arsitektur dan Perilaku Manusia. Grasindo. Jakarta.Monica G. Turner; Robert H. gardner; and Robert V. O’Neill. 2001. Lanscape Ecology in Theory and Practice. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.Otto Soemarwoto. 2004. Ekologi, Lingkungan Hidup, dan Pembangunan. Penerbit Djambatan. JakartaWenche, E. Dramstad; James D. Olson; and Richard D.D. Forman, 1996. Lanscape Ecology Principles in Lanscape Architecture and Land - Use Planning. Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Island PressFitter Hay, AH. And Hay, R.K.M., 1981. Fisiologi Lingkungan TanamanUndang Undang No. 5 Tahun 1990, Tentang : Konservasi Sumberdaya Alam Hayati, Dan Ekosistemnya

FST6095223 Ethnobotany

Module NameEthnobotany
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095223
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si., Ardian Khairiah, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course students are able to analyze plants used by certain communities/ethnic groups for various purposes.
Module content
The concept of ethnobotany and economic botanyEthnoecology conceptEthnobotanical sampling methodAnalysis of ethnobotanical data quantitatively and qualitativelyEthnomedicineEthnobotany of traditional ritualsEthnobotany of food plantsEthnobotany of garden plantsValuation of medicinal plantsValuation of food cropsValuation of building materials plantsValuation of insect repellent plants.EthnotaxonomyCommunity knowledge about landscape ecology
Recommended Literatures
Martinez, J. L., Acevedo, A. M., & Rai, M. 2019. Ethnobotany: aplication of medicinal plants. CRC Press. France.Ozturk, M. & Hakeem, K. R. 2018. Plant and Human Health Volume I: Ethnobotany and Physiology. SpringerArtikel-artikel dari website dan media lain yang sesuai

 FST6095224 Embryology

Module NameEmbryology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095224
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleFahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElectives course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through discussing the main source of reference. Learning activities in class focus on assignments, questions and answers, discussions, presentations, or experiments related to the material. The students can ask questions about things that are unclear so as not to cause misunderstandings about the material they have studied.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to
apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to explain the basic concepts of embryology including the principles of development and growth of animal cells. Students are able to reveal the mechanisms and processes of organogenesis and metamorphosis in animals. Students are able to analyze the factors that regulate organogenesis and their clinical relevance
Module content
Development and scope of embryologyBasic concepts and principles of developmentGametogenesis (Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis)Fertilization and cleavageGastrulation and NeurulationPlacenta formation, implantation, and formation of extra embryonic layersEctoderm-derived organogenesis and development of the nervous system.Ectoderm-derived organogenesis and development of the eye and ear.Mesoderm-derived organogenesis and development of the urogenital system.Endoderm-derived organogenesis and development of the digestive systemEndoderm-derived organogenesis and development of the respiratory system.Regulatory factors of organogenesis (genetic and epigenetic)Teratology.Metamorphosis (perfect and imperfect as well as regressive and repressive).
Recommended Literatures Gilbert, S.F., & Barresi, M.J.F. 2019. Developmental Biology, 12 Ed. Sunderland, Massachusetts USA: Sinauer Associates, Inc.Sadler, T.W. 2012. Langman’s Medical Embryology, 12th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Hart, P.J.B., & Reynolds, J.D. 2002. Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.Poernomo, B. 1999. Teratology High Light. Surabaya: Post Graduate Program. Airlangga University.Tortora, G.J., & Derrickson, B. 2009. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12 Ed. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Webster, S., & de Wreede, R. 2017. At a glance embryology. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

FST6095225 Waste Management

Module NameWaste Management
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095225
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud., Etyn Yunita, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered in 4 activities: 1.     Provide material to students along with several examples for discussion in class 2.     Conducting field trip 3.     Students present the results of their trip in groups in front of the class, followed by discussion in class then the lecturer will carry out an evaluation. 4.  Students make a video of their trip and upload in social media.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse cases related to waste management based on the concept of waste management that can be used for writing observation reports and other practice-oriented case study research. observation and other practice-oriented case study research.
Module content
The concept of waste and its managementGlobal environmental problemsSolid wasteSolid waste processingB3 waste and its managementCase studyInfected wasteLiquid waste managementDrinking water treatmentMeasurement of environmental parametersCase studyPresentation
Recommended Literatures John Pichtel. 2014. Waste Management Practices: Municipal, Hazardous, and Industrial. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis group. New York.UNEP. 2005. Solid waste management. Ca Recovery. Inc.Lagrega, Michael D. 2001. Hazardous Waste Management. Mc-Graw Hill.Oil guide to algae-based wastewater treatment. www. Clixoo.comConnell D.W. dan G.J. Miller. 1995. Kimia dan Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran. UI Press. Jakarta.Ministerial Decree and Ministerial Regulation on Waste and the EnvironmentInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095226 Environmental Biotechnology

Module NameEnvironmental Biotechnology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095226
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursLecture topics enriched with relevant examples are presented by class groups and followed by class discussions. Students were divided into small discussion groups. Each group is assigned to work on a certain topic retrieved from the updated reputable international journals.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse the principles and/or applications of biology in improving and maintaining environmental quality, preventing environmental contamination, as well as its role in producing clean products.
Module content
Introduction (scope, history, development of environmental biotechnology)Management of solid organic wasteManagement of liquid organic wasteBioremediation of crude oil pollutantsBioremediation of xenobiotic pollutantsBiodegradation of plastic wasteBiosorption of heavy metalsBiofertilizationPest biocontrolBiogroutBiomass production from wasteBioenergy productionBiotechnology to prevent environmental contaminationOmics in environmental biotechnology
Recommended Literatures Atlas, R. M. and Bartha, R. Microbial Ecology Fundamentals And Applications. Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc., California.Rittmann, B. E. and P. L. McCarty. Environmental Biotechnology, Principles and Applications. McGraw Hill.Evans, G. M. and J. C. Furlong. Biotechnology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Jordening, H. –J. and J. Winter. Environmental Biotechnology. Wiley-VCH Verlag.Dahiya, A. Bioenergy, Biomass to Biofuels. Academic Press.Kaiser, J. Bioindicators and Biomarkers of Environmental Pollution and Risk Assessment. Science Publisher.Rawlings, D. E. and D. B. Johnson. Biomining. Springer-Verlag.Research articles published in international journals within the last 10 years.

FST6095227 Plant Biotechnology

Module NamePlant Biotechnology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095227
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElectives course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant
 examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h         Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to analyze the process of gene transformation and plant genetic engineering, as well as their use in the fields of agriculture, health, environment and industry.
Module content
The concept and scope of plant biotechnology, the history of the development of plant biotechnologyProblems and issues: trends and developments in plant biotechnology in developing and developed countries, as well as the pros and cons of plant biotechnologyGenes, genomes and plant genomics as the basis of plant biotechnologyPlant transformation, Gene isolation; primary; amplification; gene cloning: vector selection; marker genes (antibiotic resistance), reporter genes (GUS, GFP)Plant transformation II. Gene transfer using vectors (Agrobacterium, viruses) and physical chemical methods (microinjection; particle bombardment)Plant transformation III. Post-Transformation Gene Verification: Hybridization, blotting, sequencing, immunoassayPlant genetic engineering techniques, overexpression, gene knockout, antisense, RNAiGenetic engineering of plants I. Resistance to biotic stress (herbicides, insects, diseases, viruses); immunologyPlant genetic engineering II. Resistance to abiotic stress (temperature, drought, salinity)Plant genetic engineering III. Golden rice, secondary metabolitesApplications of plant genetic engineering: case examples and applications in the fields of agriculture (food) and healthApplications of plant genetic engineering: case examples and applications in industry and the environmentBiotechnology in the framework of molecular markers: Techniques, types and their use in plant biotechnology products.Bioethics and Regulation of plant biotechnology products: Regulation and safety of biotechnology products, Biotechnology research ethics law in Indonesia
Recommended Literatures William G. Hopkins. 2007. Plant Biotechnology. Chelsea House PublishersN.Steward Jr (Ed.). 2008. Plant Biotechnology and Genetics: Principles, Techniques, and Applications. Wiley and Sons, Inc.Griffith, Gelbart, Lewontin, Miller. 2002. Modern Genetic Analysis 2nd Edition. Freeman Co.International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095228 Introduction to Environmental Impact Analysis

Module NameIntroduction to Environmental impact analysis
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095228
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr.Agus Salim, S.Ag,M.Si., Ir. Etyn Yunita, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems and issues and their applications. Students are able to explain the meaning, process and benefits of Environment Impact Analysis for development activities. Students are able to apply the process of preparing and evaluating Environment Impact Analysis documents according to the regulations applicable in Indonesia. Students are able to interpret whether or not a business plan and/or activity is required to have an Environment Impact Analysis document. Students are able to make the right decisions based on data and information collected in the preparation and assessment of Environment Impact Analysis documents.
Module content
Introduction and Basic Concepts of Environment Impact AnalysisLegislation related to Environment Impact Analysis in IndonesiaEnvironment Impact Analysis Procedures include Screening of Business Plans and/or Mandatory Environment Impact Analysis ActivitiesInitial Environmental Baseline and Description of Business Plans and/or ActivitiesScoping Process in Environment Impact AnalysisPreparation of Environment Impact Analysis DocumentsProcedure for Evaluating Environment Impact Analysis Documents
Recommended Literatures Canter, L.W. 1996. “Environmental Impact Assessment”, 2nd Edition. McGraw-Hill, New york.Soemarwotto, O. 2005. Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan. Gadjah Mada University Press, Yogyakarta.Suratmo, G.F. 1998. Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan, Edisi 8, Gadjah Mada University Press, YogyakartaKementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan. 2016. Himpunan Peraturan tentang Lingkungan Hidup.

 FST6095229 Immunology

Module NameImmunology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095229
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduledrh. Raden Rara Bhintarti Suryohastari, M.Biomed
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students master the concepts, theories, methods of collection and analysis in medical science systematically, especially disaster science and/or tropical diseases
Module content
The body's reaction to foreign bodies both non-microorganisms and microorganismsThe body's nonspecific and specific defense mechanisms in the event of infectionDifferences in reactions caused by antigens and immunogens and antibodies in carrying out their role as the body's defense against infectionThe mechanisms by which humoral and cellular defenses of the body work against infectionThe lymphoid organ system in maturing the body's defense cellsDiseases caused by abnormalities of the immune systemDisease treatments that use vaccines
Recommended Literatures Davison F., Kaspers B., and Schat K.A. 2008. Avian Immunology. First ed. Academic Press Elsevier, 496 pages.Hentges DJ. 1995. Microbiology & Immunology. Second Edition. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, New York, Toronto, London.Gershwin LJ., Krakowka S., and Olsen RG. 1995. Immunology and Immunopathology of Domestic Animals. Second Edition.Kresno, S.B. 2001. Immunologi: Diagnosis dan Prosedur Laboratorium. Edisi keempat, Pen. Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. 2003. Understanding The Immune System: How It Works. National Cancer Institute, Department of Health and Human Service, National Institute of Health, 57 pages. dan www.niaid.nih.govPastoret P.P., Griebel P., Bazin H., and Govaerts. 1998. Handbook of Vertebrate Immunology. 98 ed. Academic Press Limited, London. 698 pages.Roitt IM and Delves PJ. 2001. Roitt’s Esential Immunology. Tenth Edition, Blackwell Science Ltd. Osney MeadOxford OX2 OEL. 8. Tizard IR. 1996. Veterinary Immunology an Introduction. Fifth Edition, WB Sounders Company, a Division of Harcourt Brace and Company. The Curtis Center Independence Square West, Philadelphia, Pennsylvani

FST6095230 Halal Food

Module NameHalal Food
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST 6095230
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Sandra Hermanto, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to construct their knowledge and re-explain concepts related to the philosophy, legal basis and halal analysis of food products, halal product guarantee systems and halal food regulations at the industry and community levels.Students are able to apply material knowledge in identifying critical points of halalness of a food product.Students understand the principles, criteria and implementation of the Halal Guarantee System and its relation to the Halal Food Regulation Act
Module content
Essence, Philosophy and Legal Basis of Halal FoodControversy of Halal Food ProductsKnowledge of ingredients & Identification of Critical Points (Animal, Vegetable, Microbial and Synthetic)General guidelines for abattoir productionFood Regulation Law & JPH LawImplementation of Halal Regulation LawHalal Product Guarantee System (SJPH)Halal Certification Guidelines & Implementation of SJPH
Recommended Literatures Dr. Ir. Anton Apriyantono, MS., 2004, Teknologi & Manajemen Pangan Halal, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, IPB.Dr. Yusuf Qardhawi, 1993, Halal & Haram dalam Islam. Bina Ilmu. Jakarta.Mian N. Riaz, Muhammad M. Chaudry, 2004, Halal Food Production, CRC Press LLC, USA.Da Wen Sun, 2008, Modern Techniques for Food Authentication, Elsevier, 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.Lembaga Pengkajian Pangan, Obat-obatan & Kosmetika, 2008, Panduan Umum Sistem Jaminan Halal.Dirjen LPPOM Depkes RI, Peraturan Pemerintah No. 69 tahun 1999 tentang Pangan.Undang-undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 1999, Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen.Undang-undang No 33 Tahun 2014, tentang Jamina Produk Halal.

FST6095231 Malacology

Module NameMalacology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFST6095231
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleNarti Fitriana, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students master the theoretical concepts of the fundamentals of Malacology and its application
Module content
History, Definition and Classification, Mollusca Diversity, Mollusca Biology, Potential, Geography.Malacology and its environment (Mollusca and its characteristics, Habit and Habitat, Distribution of Marine Mollusca, Terrestrial Molluscs Distribution, Abnormalities of Marine Mollusca.Class Amphineura & Class Monoplacophora (Class Amphineura, Class Monoplacophora, Morphology & Anatomy of Amphineura & Monoplacophora classes (Growth, shell structure, shell shape, shell ornamentation, colour and pattern), Physiology & Reproduction of Amphineura & Monoplacophora classes, Ecology, Potential and Conservation.Class Scaphopoda, Morphology & Anatomy of class Scaphopoda (Growth, shell structure, shell shape, shell ornamentation, colour and pattern), Physiology & Reproduction of class Scaphopoda, Ecology, Potential and Conservation. Sample collection methods. Bivalve Class and Application of modelling: (Field Biology) (Bivalve Classes (Classification), Morphology & Anatomy of the Bivalve class (Growth, shell structure, shell shape, shell ornamentation, colour and pattern), Physiology & Reproduction of the Bivalve class, Ecology, Potential and Conservation, Sample collection methods, application of field biological modelling, Cultivation and Application of freshwater, estuary and marine Bivalves.Gastropod Classes (Terrestrial & Aquatic Gastropod Classes, Morphology & Anatomy of the Gastropod class (Growth, shell structure, shell shape, shell ornamentation, colours and patterns), Physiology & Reproduction of the Gastropod class Gastropods, Ecology, Potential and Conservation, Terrestrial Gastropods that are pests and their control, Predatory aquatic gastropods and their application.Class Cephalopods (Class Cephalopods, Morphology & Anatomy, Physiology & Reproduction of the Gastropod class, Ecology and Conservation, Potential and applications.Sampling Methods and Research Applications of Mollusca (Gastropoda &Cephalopods) , Mollusca (Gastropoda & Cephalopod) culture development concept.
Recommended Literatures Abbott R. T. The Pocket Guide to SEASHELLS OF THE NORTHERN HEMISPHERE. Singapore.Dharma B. 2005. Recent & Fosil’ INDONESIAN SHELLS’ . Jakarta.Dance, S. P. 1974. The Collector’s Encyclopedia of SHELLS. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company. New York. TORONTO.Jutting, V.B. 1956. Treubia A Journal of Zoology Hidrobiology and Oceanography of The Indo-Australian Archipelago. Museum Zoologicum Bogorience, Kebun Raya Indonesia Bogor-Java. Jutting V.B. 1931. Notes on Fresh Water Mollusca from the Malay Archipelago. Repr. Treubia. Kastawi, Y., Indriwati, S. E., Ibrohim, Masjhudi, Rahayu S. E. 2005. Zoologi Avertebrata. Universitas Negeri Malang.Marshall, A.J. and W.D. Williams. 1972. Text Book of Zoology, Vol I. Invertebrates. 7 ed . The Mac Nillan. Press Ltd.Roberts D., Soemodihardjo S., Kastoro W. 1982. Shllow Water Marine Molluscs Of North-West Java. Lembaga Oseanology Nasional-LIPI. Jakarta.

FST6095232 Primatology

Module NamePrimatology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST 6095232
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Fahma Wijayanti, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course: Students are able to explain the relationship and role of Primatology with the discipline of BiologyStudents are able to distinguish, identify and classify primateStudents are able to explain Living Primates as a product evolution of genetics, morphology, and behaviourStudents are able to explain primates proportionally and scientificallyStudents are able to explain the comparison between human being with primate animals from the point of view of biology and evolution.Students are able to find problems and design appropriate primatology research methods.
Module content
Introduction to PrimatologyPrimate Classification and DistributionPrimate BiogeographyTeeth, food and digestionGrowth and developmentPrimate Social GroupsSocial behaviourSocial relationshipsFeeding ecologyReproductive strategiesPrimate communitiesPrimate research methodsPrimate conservationPrimate research trends (topic of interest)
Recommended Literatures Swindler, D. R. 1998. Introduction to the Primates. University of Washington Press. Seattle.Rowe, N. 1996. The Pictorial Guide of the Living Primates. Pogonias Press. New York.Strier, K. B. 2003. Primate Behavioral Ecology, 2nd edition. Allyn and Bacon. New York.Smuts, B. B., Cheney, D. L., Seyfarth, R. M., Wrangham, R. W & Struhsaker, T. T. 1987. Primate Societies. The University of Chicago. Chicago.Shumaker, R. W., Beck, B. B. 2003. Primates in questions. Smithsonnian Books. Washington.

FTK6017150 Strategies and Learning Biology

Module NameStrategies and Learning Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFTK6017150
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Zulfiani, M.Pd
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Explains the concepts, principles and benefits of teaching and learningAnalyzes the concept of high school learning in the independent curriculumDeveloping learning and assessment designsAnalyzing RPP Plus/Teaching Modules and Learning Objective Flow (ATP)Identify teaching materials such as LKPD, modules and handouts.Analyzing Computer Information Technology (ICT) based media in learning and assessmentAnalyzing Criteria for Completion of Learning Objectives (KKTP) and development of Annual Programs and Semester Programs
Module content
Learning and Teaching,Learning MaterialsLearning Concepts, Literacy Issues, SDGs, technology in the Independent Curriculum,Competency Based Learning DesignDevelopment of Teaching Modules and ATP,Management and development of teaching materials: E LKPD and E Module,Development of IT learning mediaAssessmentProta and Prosem.
Recommended Literatures Pengajaran sebagai suatu sistem [Ibrahim & Syaodih,N. 1996: 51-54] Hamalik, O. 2009: 8-12] [Harjanto, 2008: 44-55]Desain Pembelajaran [Hamzah B. Uno dkk, MQ Publishing]Arends. (1989). Learning To Teach. Singapore: Mc. Graw. Hill. PendukungCarin, Arthur A, and Sund Robert B (1990). Teaching Science Through Discovery. Colombus, Ohio : Meril Publishing Rutherford, J, F., & Ahlgren A. (1990). Science For All Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.National Research Council. (2002). Inquiry and The National Science Education Standard: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Washington DC: National Academy Press.Kurikulum Merdeka KemendikbudKeputusan Rektor No 864 2017 Pedoman Integrasi Ilmu UIN Syarif Hidayataullah JakartaModul Blended Learning Perencanaan Pembelajaran Biologi, 2023

 FTK6017153 Media and Technology Learning Biology

Module NameMedia and Technology Learning Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFTK6017153
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Baiq Hana Susanti,M.Sc
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Designing biology learning media by applying the latest technology associated with the basis of technology in Islam and the role of Muslim scientists in initiating the formation of the role of Muslim scientists in initiating the formation of technology
Module content
Definition and characteristics of learning media in generalSpecific definitions and characteristics of Biology learning mediaCharacteristics of each type of Biology learning mediaBiology learning media based on the characteristics of the materialGeneral function of Biology learning mediaSpecial function of Biology learning media
Aspects needed in choosing biology learning media based on student needs with multiple intelligence based.How to analyze Biology material to the needs of teaching media and learning mediaPractice of analyzing Biology material to the needs of teaching media and biological learning mediaTheory of designing Biology learning media (based on principles, functions, and implementation).Effective Biology learning media
Recommended Literatures Arsyad A. (2003). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.Brown, J. W., Lewis, R. B., Harcleroad, F. E. (1959). A-V Instruction: Materials and Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.Sadiman, A. S., Rahardjo, R., et. al. (1986). Media Pendidikan: Pengetian, Pengembangan, dan Pemanfaatannya. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada.Kemp, J.E. & Dauton, D. K. (1985). Planning and Producing Instructional Media(Fifth Edition). New York: Happer & Row, Publishers.Bloom, Benyamin. S., (1961). Evaluation to Improve Learning. New York: Graw-Hill Book Company.Cole P. G. & Chan L. K. S. (1994). Teaching Principle and Practice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 7. Smaldino, S. E. (2005).Instructional Technology and Media for Learning (Eight Edition). New Jersey, Ohio: Pearson Prentice-Hall, IncKeputusan Rektor No 864 2017 Pedoman Integrasi Ilmu UIN Syarif Hidayataullah JakartaModul Blended Learning Perencanaan Pembelajaran Biologi, 2023

FTK6017155 Evaluation of Biology Learning

Module NameEvaluation of Biology Learning
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFTK6017155
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Ahmad Sofyan, M.Pd.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Integrating knowledge of the concept of learning evaluation with Islamic values in the application of TPACIKAnalyse learning evaluation problems in schools/madrasasCommunicate alternative solutions to learning evaluation problems based on analysis
Module content
Basic concepts of learning evaluation and regulations related to educational assessment standardsAuthentic Assessment: Aspects of Assessment in the Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor DomainsLearning Outcome Test Preparation and Implementation TechniquesTechniques for Preparing Grids and Test Instruments: High Cognitive QuestionsLearning Process Evaluation Tools: Self Assessment, Peer Assessment, Observation/Journal, PortfolioProblem Item Analysis TechniqueBenchmark Assessment and Normative AssessmentTest Result Correction and Scoring TechniquesMastery LearningNational Assessments (character Survey and Learning Environment Survey)
Recommended Literatures Anastasi, Ane & Susana Urbina, (2000) Psychological Testing, New Jersey:: MacMillan Publishing CompanyAnderson, L. W., Krathwohl, D. R., & Bloom, B. S. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing: A revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives (Complete ed.). Longman.Arikunto, (2013). Dasar-Dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi AksaraArifin, Zainal. (2009). Evaluasi Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Departemen Agama RIAiken, Lewis.& Gary Groth-Marnat. (2009). Pengetesan dan Pemeriksaan Psikologi Jilid 1 dan 2, Jakarta: PT IndeksArikunto, Suharsimi. (2005). Dasar-dasar Evaluasi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi AksaraAzwar, Saifuddin, (2012). Penyusunan Skala Psikologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka PelajarBloom, B. S et al. (1991). Handbook on Formative and Sumative Evaluation of student Learning. New York: David Mc Kay Co.BSNP. (2007). Standar Penilaian Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas.Budimansyah, Dasim. (2003). Penilaian Portofolio. Bandung: Genesindo..Cohen, Ronald Jay & Mark E. Swerdlik. (2010). Psychological Testing and Assessment. New York: McGraw-HillDjaali, Pudji Muljono, dan Ramli. (2008). Pengukuran dalam Bidang Pendidikan. Jakarta: PPs. UNJ.Kemendikbud.    (2015).    Panduan    Penilaian    untuk    Sekolah Menengah Atas. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. JakartaKemendikbud. (2016). Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 23 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Penilaian Pendidikan.L.W. Anderson dan D.R. Krathwohl, Terjemah: Agung Prihatono. (2010). Pembelajaran, Pengajaran dan

 FTK6017158 Planning Learning Biology

Module NamePlanning Learning Biology
Module level, if applicableBasic
Module Identification CodeFTK6017158
Semester(s) in which the module is taught6
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Zulfiani, M.Pd
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Able to explain the significance of the role and competence of teachers in managing learningin accordance with the 2013 Curriculum.Able to analyze biology material according to the characteristics, teaching procedures at the high school levelindependently and appropriately. Able to design biology learning activities based on science process skills independently and with quality.independently and with qualityAble to present analyses of methods, approaches, and models of learninglearning models based on constructivism by utilizing information technology independently and responsibly.independently and responsibly.Able to design classroom and laboratory management that supports active learning independently and with quality.independently and with quality.
Module content
The role and competence of biology teachers in managing learning in accordance with the 2013 curriculumAnalyze biological material according to the characteristics of the types of factual, conceptual, procedural, metacognitive knowledge and cognitive development of students at the high school level independently and appropriately.Organize of biological material independently and appropriatelyDesign biology learning activities based on science process skills independently and with qualityAnalysis of methods, approaches by utilizing information technology independently and responsiblyAble to present analysis of constructivism-based biology learning models by utilizing information technology independently and responsibly.Able to design classroom and laboratory management that supports active learning independently and with quality.
Recommended Literatures Arends. (1989). Learning To Teach. Singapore: Mc. Graw. Hill.Carin, Arthur A, and Sund Robert B (1990). Teaching Science Through Discovery. Colombus, Ohio : Meril Publishing Co.Colburn,    A.    (2005).   Science Inquiry-What is it and How Do You Do [10 Juli 2005].Crawford, B.A. (2000). Embracing the Essence of Inquiry. Journal of Research of Science Teaching. 37( 9) 916-937.
Dahar, R.W. (1996). Teori-Teori Belajar. Jakarta: Erlangga. 6. GLEF (George Lucas Educational Foundation). (2001). Project based Learning It?. Tersedia: Research. Edutopia online. Tersedia: [12Desember 2004]Joyce, B., Weil, M., & Calhoun, E.(2000). Models of Teaching. London: Prentice Hall International.Johnson, E.B. (2002). Contextual Teaching and Learning. California: Corwin Press, Inc.Flemming, N. D. (1995). Modes of Presentation (V.A.R.K.) in the Tertiary Classroom. In A. Zelmer (ed.), Research and development in higher education. Proceedings of the annual conference of the higher education and research development society of Australia (HERDSA), vol. 18, pp. 308–313.National Research Council. (2002). Inquiry and The National Science Education Standard: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Washington DC: National Academy Press. 11. Rutherford, J, F., & Ahlgren A. (1990). Science For All Americans. New York: Oxford University Press.Tobing, R.L. (1982). Keterampilan dan Teknik Bertanya. Bahan Penelitian P3G Bandung:PPGA IPASuchman,       J.R.       (2005).      Inquiry      Model       of       Teaching. Tersedia: [7 Mei 2005]Suparno, P. (1997). Filsafat Konstruktivisme dalam Pendidikan. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius.Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi, Kurikulum 2006 (KTSP) dan Kurikulum 2013 untuk SMP dan SMAKeputusan Rektor No 864 2017 Pedoman Integrasi Ilmu UIN Syarif Hidayataullah JakartaZulfiani, Feronika, T., Suartini, K. (2010) Strategi Pembelajaran Sains. Jakarta Puslitpen

FST6095125 Bioethics

Module NameBioethics
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST 6095125
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si; Fahri Fahrudin, M.Si
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompolsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursDiscussion of problem-based learning. presentations of several topics, structured activities ( quizzes)
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Able to explain the history of the development of bioethics and why it needs to be studiedAble to explain and find solutions to value conflicts related to technologyAble to work together in international ethical terms, both in the academic environment and in everyday life
Module content
Understanding Bioethics and Applications in LifeHistory of the Development of Bioethics and Ethical ClearanceBasic Principles in BioethicsBioethical Issues in the Medical World (1)Bioethical Issues in the Medical World (2)Basic Principles of Bioethics in the Use of Experimental AnimalsBasic Principles of Bioethics for Research on Human SubjectsBasic Principles of Bioethics in Research on Humans as ObjectsBioethics in Plants and Natural ResourcesBasic Principles of Bioethics in Writing and Publication Scientific WorkBasic Principles of Bioethics in the Use of Stored Biological Materials (BBT)Bioethics in Epidemiological and Sociocultural ResearchExplanation After Approval (PSP) / Informed ConsentHealth Research Ethics Committee
Recommended Literatures Reich, W.T. Encyclopedia of Bioethics vol 1. Revised Ed. 1995. Simon & Schuster Macmillian, Prentice Hall International. (Pustaka Utama)Bernard G., Charles M. C., Danner C. 2006. Bioethics: A Systematic Approach.Nuffield Council on Bioethics. 1993. Genetic Screening. Ethical Issues. (Pustaka Pendukung) National Academy of Science. 1995. On being a Scientist. Responsible Conduct in Research. Washington D.C. National Academy Press.Beauchamp, T. and J.F. Childress. 2001. Principles Biomedical Ethics, OUP, 5th edition. (Pustaka Utama)M. Jusuf Hanafiah Amri Amir. 2007. Etika kedokteran dan hukum kesehatan ed 4.Sastrawinata, S. B.A. Sidharta, M.R. Maengkom. 1998. Tata Laksana Komite Etik, Pedoman Etik dan Penjelasan Pedoman Etik Rumah Sakit. Rumah Sakit Santo Borromeus.

 FST6092035 Technopreneurship

Module NameTechnopreneurship
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST 6092035
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Nur Inayah, M. Si / Dr.Taufik Edy Sutanto, MSc.Tech
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursclass discussion per-group, structured activities (quiz), problem based learning
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 h Structured activities: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 hIndependent study: 2 x 50 min x 14 wks = 23.33 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 72.99 h72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Credit points72.99 / 30 = 2.43 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 75% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisites-
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
  After completing the course, the Students will have the ability to develop an entrepreneurial spirit and analyze entrepreneurial activities.
Module content
Lecture (Class Work) Technopreneurship and InspirationMotivation and Technopreneurship OpportunitiesTechnopreneurship Organizational GovernanceTechnopreneurship OwnershipEthical Considerations in TechnopreneurshipTechnopreneurship IntelligenceCapital and Financial ManagementProduct DesignForms of MarketingEnvironmental AnalysisCompetitor AnalysisMonitoring and EvaluationTechnopreneurship RevolutionBusiness Plan
Recommended Literatures Inayah, Nur, Achmad Tjahja, and Moh. Irvan, 2021, Introduction to Entrepreneurship, Andi Publisher, Yogyakarta.Rusman Hakim, Success Tips for Entrepreneurship, Gramedia, Jakarta, 2009.Masykur Wiratno, Introduction to Entrepreneurship: Basic Framework for Entering the Business World, BPFE, Yogyakarta, 2010.Peter F. Drucker, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Fundamentals, Gelora Aksara Pratama, 2012.H. Fatkul Muin, Let's Be Entrepreneurs, 2014.Darmanto, Entrepreneurship, 2017.Edy Dwi Kurniati, Industrial Entrepreneurship, 2017.Dyanasari and Asnah, Small Business Management and Entrepreneurship, 2018.Ika Sari Dewi, S.S., M.Si., and I.K. Sihombing, M.Si., Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management of Rural SMEs, 2019.Muh. Saleh Malawat, Entrepreneurship in Education, 2019.Nathanael Sitanggang and Putri Lynna A. Luthan, Entrepreneurship Management in the Furniture Industry, 2019.Rachmat Hidayat, SKM., M.Kes, Cultivating Entrepreneurial Spirit, 2019.Prof. Dr. H. Saban Fchdar, S.E., M.Si, Dr. Maryadi, S.E., M.M, Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship, 2019.

UIN6000206 Community Service Program

Module NameCommunity Service Program
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeUIN6000206
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleCenter for Community Service UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursCommunity service programs are carried out in groups. Each group consists of 10 to 20 students from various study programs. Each group creates a work program to be carried out in the village within one month. Each group is guided by one supervisor who collaborates with the local government where the community service is held
WorkloadIndependent study: 22 d x 7 h =154 h Total = 154 h154 / 30 = 5.13 ECTS
Credit points5.13  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course
Recommended prerequisitesThe student has to register the Center for Community Service to the study load card (KRS) in Semester VI. The Center for Community Service can be done during free time between the sixth and the seventh semesters
Media employedPaper, Laptop/Computer, and village. 
Forms of assessmentThe final mark will be decided by considering some criteria involving the independence and team work ability, attitude and ethic, and substance of the Center for Community Service. The components will be taken from the lecturers and the chair of the village where the students work for the Center for Community Service. A: 80-100; B: 70-79,9; C: 60- 69,9; D: 50-59,9; E: <50
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, the students should have: strong insight in local wisdom and high sensitivity to the problems in the society
Module content
Topic is appointed by a university or group of students.
Recommended Literatures Books related to the topics.

FST6095126 Proposal Seminar

Module NameProposal Seminar
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeFST609512
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleChair of Bc-Bio
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe students present their research plan and discussion. Students are supervised by supervisors or more
WorkloadIndependent study: 22 d x 150 min= 55 h.  Total = 55 h.  55 h/30 = 1.83 ECTS
Credit points1.83  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsTo be able to take part in the proposal seminar, students must have completed 6 semesters of lectures and have made a research proposal that has been approved by their supervisor
Recommended prerequisites 
Media employedPaper, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentThe assessment consists of the ability to deliver proposal papers, the ability to answer and the accuracy of answer (40%), the attitude (20%), writing skills (20%), integration of Islamic values in the script (10%), and  language or text presentation in foreign language (10%)
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to compile and present the research proposals in scientific forums
Module content
The topic and content are discussed with the supervisor before starting the work
Recommended Literatures Books related to the topics.

FST6095233 Industrial Microbiology

Module NameIndustrial Microbiology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095233
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Megga Ratnasari Pikoli, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursLecture topics enriched with relevant examples are presented by class groups and followed by discussions. Students were divided into small discussion groups. Each group is assigned to work on a certain topic retrieved from the updated reputable international journals. Students experience on the real industry is provided by visiting and witnessing the processes inside factories employing industrial microbes.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 30%, Final exam 30%, Formative 40%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant knowledge to understand developing problems, issues, and their applications. Students are able to use standard methodologies to solve problems related to biology and their implementation. Students are able to demonstrate the results of conceptual, analytical, logical and innovative thinking in oral and written form. Students are able to build bioentrepreneur skills. Students are able to analyze the principles and/or applications of microbiology in using microorganisms to produce commercialized products.
Module content
Introduction (scope and development of industrial microbiology)Industrial microorganismsIsolation of industrial microorganismsPreservation of isolatesFermentation media and inoculaSelection of microorganisms and their productsDevelopment of strains and productsFermentation models and kineticsMetabolite production using immobilized cell techniqueScale-upDownstream processesExamples of industrial microbiology application
Recommended Literatures Okafor, N., & Okeke, B. C. (2017). Modern industrial microbiology and biotechnology. CRC Press.Wilson, D. B., Sahm, H., Stahmann, K. P., & Koffas, M. (Eds.). (2019). Industrial Microbiology. John Wiley & Sons.International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.

 FST6095235 Phytopathology

Module NamePhytopathology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095235
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Priyanti, M.Si., Junaidi, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant knowledge. Students are able to demonstrate the results of conceptual, analytical, logical and innovative thinking in oral and written form. Students are able to analyze the symptoms and control of plant diseases
Module content
Understanding Phytopathology and its relationship to relevant scienceTypes of diseases that attack plant organsDevelopment of disease in plantsSymptoms of plant diseasePlant resistance to diseasePlant diseases in seeds and their controlPlant diseases in seedlings and their controlRoot plant diseases and their controlPlant diseases of stems and their controlLeaf plant diseases and their controlPlant diseases of flowers and their controlPlant diseases of fruit and their controlObservation of sick plants in plantations and yardsPresentation of the variety of cultivated plants
Recommended Literatures Sutarman. 2017. Dasar-dasar Ilmu Penyakit Tanaman. Sidoarjo. Umsida Press.Sharma, J.N., Karthikeyan, G. & Singh, S.M. 2017. Fundamentals of Plant Pathology. Agrimoon.Com

FST6095236 Plant Breeding

Module NamePlant breeding
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095236
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si., Ir. Junaidi, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe learning methods used are mini projects and flipped. Material is discussed in groups. The topics discussed are in accordance with the learning material.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to analyse the genetic diversity of plants as a source or result of plant breeding based on plant breeding methods that can be used for writing observation reports and other practice-oriented case study research.
Module content
Concept and scope of plant breeding: concept, scope and contribution of plant breedingPlant reproduction: plant sex determination, sexual and asexual reproductionThe basis of genetics in plant breedingDiversity and sources of genetic diversity: Breeding methods (introduction, collection, hybridization, mutation, polyploid), type of cultivar/varietyHeritability: Understanding genotypic, phenotypic, environmental variance; Heritability, narrow and broad sense of heritability, use of heritability for breedingMethods of selection and breeding of self-pollinated plants: Genetic characters in self-pollinated plants, Homozygosity, Introduction, mass selection, line selectionMethods of selection and breeding of self-pollinated plants: Hybridization/crossing, Selection methods for hybridization results (pedigree selection, bulk, backcross, SSD)Selection and Breeding methods for cross-pollinated plants: Genetic characters of cross-pollinated plants, Hardy-Weinberg Law, Introduction, mass selection, cob row selectionMethods of selection and breeding of cross-pollinated plants: Repeated selection, phenotypic repeated selection, repeated selection for combining ability, reciprocal repeated selectionVegetative plant breeding methods: Reasons for vegetative propagation, breeding procedures, development of cloned cultivars/varieties, apomixis, potato and sugarcane plant breedingHybrid plant assembly: definition of hybrid plants, plant breeding methods in hybrid plant assembly, heterosisConventional and unconventional breeding technologies: Conventional (Crossing, clonal), Unconventional (Genetic engineering, mutation)Biotechnology for breeding: Biotechnology for genetic diversity, biotechnology for selection, biotechnology in in vitro cultureRelease of varieties: Sources of genetic diversity, Crossing/genetic engineering, Selection, Testing of breeding results (yield test, genetic progress), Procedures for releasing varieties
Recommended Literatures Acquaah, G. 2012. Principles of Plant Genetics and Breeding (2nd Edition). Wiley-BlackwellGriffiths, A.J.F., J.H. Miller, D.T. Suzuki, R.C. Lewontin and W.M. Gelbart. 2010. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis (Tenth Edition)Poespodarsono S. 1988. Dasar-dasar Ilmu Pemuliaan Tanaman. Bogor (ID): PAU.Roy D. 2000. Plant Breeding, Analysis and Exploitation of Variation. New delhi (IN): Narosa Publishing HouseInternational research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095237 Environmental Toxicology

Module NameEnvironmental Toxicology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095237
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered in 3 activities: 1.     Provide material to students along with several examples for discussion in class 2.     Conducting field trip 3.     Students present the results of their trip in groups in front of the class, followed by discussion in class then the lecturer will carry out an evaluation.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to explain the concept of toxicology, types of toxins, and the effects of toxic substances on the environment, both land, water and air, as well as their effects on the environment, and the effects of toxic substances on the environment, both land, water and air, as well as their effects on human health, and express it in a research theme.
Module content
Basic concepts of environmental toxicologyXenobiotics: microbesXenobiotics: plants and animalsThe process of entering chemical substances into the bodyEcokinenetics of toxic substancesDose-response conceptPresentation of group assignments/field tripsPesticide toxicologyThe fate of pesticides in the environmentHeavy metal toxicologyToxicity testing methodsPollution and quality of the aquatic environmentGroup assignment presentationGroup assignment presentation
Recommended Literatures Amdur M.O, J, Doull & C.D. Klaassen. 1991. Casarett and Doull’s Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc. United States of America.Soemirat, J. 2015. Toksikologi Lingkungan. UGM PressLoomis, T.A. 1978. Toxicology Dasar. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.Landis, W.G & Ming H,Y. 1995. Introduction of Environmental Toxicology. Lewis Publishers, Tokyo.Connell D.W. dan G.J. Miller. 1995. Kimia dan Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran. UI Press. Jakarta.International research journals and e-books published less than the last 10 years.Articles published in mass media

FST6095238 Biomaterials and Nanotechnology

Module NameBiomaterials and Nanotechnology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095238
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud., Dr. Agus Salim, S.Ag., M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course students are able to design biomaterial and nanomaterial synthesis procedures that can be applied in the health sector, then report the results of the design and write articles related to nanotechnology in online media.
Module content
History of biomaterialsDefinition and principles of biomaterialsNatural biomaterialsSynthetic biomaterialsBiomaterial applications in the health sectorBasic principles of nanotechnologyProperties of nanomaterialsA quantum nano approachTypes of nanomaterialsNanomaterial synthesis techniques, bottom up and top downCharacterization of nanomaterialsNanomaterial applications in several fieldsNanotechnology applications in biomaterials
Recommended Literatures
Park J nd Lakes, R.S. 2007. Biomaterials: An Introduction. Springer Science & Business MediFahmi, M.Z dan Wibrianto, A. 2021. KIMIA NANO: Konsep, Sejarah, dan Aplikasinya bagi Indonesia. Airlangga University PressSurya, Y. 2004. Nanoteknologi : teknologi terkini menyambut masa depan. Bina Sumber Daya MIPARamsden, J. 2011. Nanotechnology: An Introduction (Micro and Nano Technologies) 1st Edition. William Andrew

 FST6095239 Genetics Engineering

Module NameGenetics Engineering
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095239
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleDr. Dasumiati, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to explain the techniques and procedures of genetic engineering and DNA cloning, and assess their safety and bioethics in their application and products in several fields.
Module content
Concept and scope of genetic engineeringDNA isolation and purificationVectors and their characteristicsEnzymes in genetic engineering: restriction and ligation 4.Genetic engineering techniques: electrophoresis and PCR 5.Genetic engineering techniques: DNA sequencing and hybridisationDNA libraryRecombinant DNA: transformationRecombinant selection and expressionCloning applicationsGenetic engineering in animals and plantsGenetically Modified Organism (GMO)Transgenic products: pros and cons and bioethicsGenetic engineering of plants
Recommended Literatures Muthiadin, C. 2014. Pengantar rekayasa genetika. Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar. Repositori UIN Alauddin Makassar.Seprianto. 2017. Modul matakuliah rekayasa genetika. Universitas Esa UnggulZulfiani, Juanengsih, N, Noor, MF. 2013. Bioteknologi. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. UIN Jakarta PressBrown TA. 2006. Gene Cloning and DNA analysis an Introduction. 4nd ed. Australia: Blackweel Publishing Asia Pty LtdOld RW and Primrose SB. 2003. Prinsip – Prinsip Manipuasi Gen (terjemahan Herawati susilo). Edisi ke 4. UI press. JakartaDeborah B. Whitman. 2000. "Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?". CSA Discovery Guides.7. FG Winarno, Agustinah W. 2007. Pengantar Bioteknologi. MBRIO Press. ISBN 979-3098-58 Griffith, Gelbart, Lewontin, Miller. 2002. Modern Genetic Analysis 2nd Edition. Freeman CoInternational research journals and e-books published less than 10 years ago.Articles published in mass media

 FST6095242 Ichthyology

Module NameIchthyology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095242
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleFahri Fahrudin, M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through discussing the main source of reference. Learning activities in class focus on assignments, questions and answers, discussions, presentations, or experiments related to the material (discussion of problem-based learning).
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Able to explain the basic concepts of ichthyology including the history of the emergence and extinction of several types of fish, the development of fisheries science and ichthyological figuresAble to explain the concept of communication and interrelationships between systems in the fish body and the environment/habitatAble to describe the occurrence of diversity in fish and fish socio-ethologyAble to identify types of fish based on various fish characteristics
Module content
Basic concepts of ichthyology and its scopeHistory, classification and general characteristics of fishFish morphologyIntegumentary system and light organsFish identification techniques (meristic, morphometric, molecular)Skeletal System, muscles and electrical organsCirculation and respiratory systemsExcretory and osmoregulatory systemsDigestive organs and systemSexual and reproductiveThyroid gland, hormones and internal tissuesNervous system, senses and stimulation mechanismsFish diversitySocio-ethology of fish
Recommended Literatures Effendie, H. M. I. (2002). Biologi perikanan. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Nusantara.Hart, P.J.B & Reynolds, J.D. 2002. Handbook of Fish Biology and Fisheries. Malden: Blackwell Publishing.Helfam, G.S, et al. 2009. The Diversity of Fish; Biology, Evolution, and Ecology. West Sussex: John Wiley and Sons Inc.Pratomo, H & Rosadi, B. 2010. Modul identifikasi pisces. BIOL441/Modul1.Priede, I.G. 2005. Deep-Sea Fishes; Biology, Diversity, Ecology and Fisheries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kottelat, M. (2013). The raffles bulletin of zoology: editorial. In Raffles Bulletin of Zoology (Vol. 54, Issue 2).

FST6095244 Marine Biology

Module NameMarine Biology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095244
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduleProf. Dr. Lily Surayya Eka Putri, M.Env.Stud., Dr. Agus Salim, S.Ag., M.Si.
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to explain biological concepts supported by other relevant sciences to explain problems and issues that develop and their applications. Students are able to apply biological concepts and their applications with relevant sciences. Students are able to analyse environmental problems. Students are able to master the concepts of marine biology, various ecosystems included in the coastal zone and biological principles that regulate the organization and survival of organisms and their associations, as well as understand marine biology research methodologies related to minimizing pollution in marine ecosystems.
Module content
Marine biology conceptMarine environmental problems and marine biological resourcesPlankton, benthos and nekton biotaMarine plants and animals: algae, crustaceans, molluscsBiogeochemical cycles and primary productivityMangrove Forest EcosystemSeagrass EcosystemCoral Reef EcosystemThe impact of human activities on the sea
Recommended Literatures Nybakken, J.W. 1988. Biologi Laut, suatu pendekatan ekologis (terjemahan).Romimohtarto, K. 1999. Biologi Laut; Ilmu pengetahuan tentang biota lautBengen, D.G. 2000. Pengenalan dan pengelolaan ekosistem mangrove. Pusat Kajian Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan IPB. 58 hal.Dahuri 1996. Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Wilayah Pesisir dan Lautan secara terpaduKadi,A dan W.S. Atmadja. 1988. Rumput Laut, Jenis, Reproduksi, produksi, budidaya dan pasca panen. Seri Sumberdaya Alam. P3OLIPI. Jakarta 71 hal.Soegiarto, A., Sulistijo, W.S. Atmadja dan H. Mubarak. 1979. Rumput Laut (Alga), manfaat, potensi dan usaha budidayanya. LON-LIPI. Jakarta. 61 hal.Supriyono, D. 2019. Terumbu Karang. Alprin, Semarang, Jawa Tengah.Suharsono. 2008. Jenis-jenis Karang di Indonesia. Coremap Program, LIPI.English, S.C. Wilkinson and V. Baker. 1994. Survey manual for tropical marine resources, Asean-Australia Marine Science Project. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townswille. Hartog,C.Den.1970. Seagrass of the word North-Holand Publ.Co. Amsterdam.Richard, 1983. The corals. University of Guam Press.

 FST6095240 Virology

Module NameVirology
Module level, if applicableApplied
Module Identification CodeFST6095240
Semester(s) in which the module is taught7
Person(s) responsible for the moduledrh. Raden Rara Bhintarti Suryohastari, M.Biomed
Language  Indonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumElective course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursThe course topics are delivered through lectures which are enriched with relevant examples and followed by short discussion. Students are divided into ten groups of discussion. Each group was assigned to work on a specific topic relevant to the lecture and presented in the class.
WorkloadLecture (class): (2 x 50 min) x 14 wks = 23.33 hStructured activities: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 hIndependent study: 2 h x 60 min x 14 wks = 28 h Exam: 90 min x 2 times = 3 h;Total = 82.33 h82.33 / 30 = 2.74 ECTS
Credit points2 Credit Hours (2-3) ≈ 2.74 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsEnrolled in this course • Minimum 80% attendance in lecture
Recommended prerequisitesNone
Media employedClassical teaching tools with white board and PowerPoint presentation
Forms of assessmentMidterm exam 40%, Final exam 40%, Quiz 10%, Structured assignment 10%
Intended Learning Outcome
After completing this course, students are able to identify viruses including properties, pathogenesis and laboratory diagnostics properly and correctly
Module content
Virus structureThe steps of virus replicationViral pathogenesis and disease symptomsIdentify methods of diagnosis and treatment of viral diseasesPrevention and control of viral diseases including vaccinesLaboratory diagnostics
Recommended Literatures Fenner, FJ. et al. 1995. Veterinary Virology. Terjemahan : Putra, D.K.H. IKIP Semarang Press, SemarangMurphy. FA, EPJ Gibbs, MC. Horzinek and MJ. Studdert. 1999. Veterinary Virology. 3rd Ed. Academic Press. San Diego. London. Boston. New York. Sydney, Tokyo, Toronto.Modrow, S and D. Falke. 1997. Molekulere Virologie. Spektrum Heidelberg-Berlin-Oxford.

UIN6000312 Final Project (Thesis)

Module NameUIN 6000312 Final Project (Thesis)
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeUIN 6000312
Semester(s) in which the module is taught8
Person(s) responsible for the moduleChair of Bc-Bio
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursStudents are supervised by supervisors or more. The final project is supervised by two supervisors according to the research topic and tested by two examining lecturers.
WorkloadIndependent study: 6 x 150 min x 22 = 330 h.  Total = 330 h.  330 h /  30 = 11.00 ECTS
Credit points11.00 ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsTo be able to take the final project students must complete the course (minimum 136-138 credits) without having a D grade.
Recommended prerequisites 
Media employedPaper, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentFinal project examinations are conducted after the student completes his final project manuscript. The elements of evaluation consist of feasibility assessment topics, academic writing, presentation, and oral test about the content of the final project. final exam using the agreed system 80 ≤ A ≤100; 70 ≤ B < 80; 60 ≤ C < 70; 60 ≤ D < 50.
Intended Learning Outcome
Apply the knowledge, experience, and skills learned in Bc-Biology to the chosen topic and case, write scientific papers in a comprehensive manner. Students have professional ethics and soft skill: presentation, communication, discussion, and reason
Module content
The topic and content of the final project are discussed with the supervisor before starting the work
Recommended Literatures Books related to the topics.

UIN6000313 Seminar

Module NameSeminar
Module level, if applicableUndergraduate
Module Identification CodeUIN 6000313
Semester(s) in which the module is taught8
Person(s) responsible for the moduleChair of Bc-Bio
LanguageIndonesian and English
Relation in CurriculumCompulsory course for undergraduate program in Biology
Teaching methods, Contact hoursFinal project presentation and discussion Students are supervised by supervisors or more
WorkloadIndependent study: 22 d x 150 min= 55 h.  Total = 55 h.  55 h / 30 = 1.83 ECTS
Credit points1.83  ECTS
Admission and examination requirementsTo be able to take part in the seminar, students must have completed their research and written a research report that has been approved by their supervisor  
Recommended prerequisites 
Media employedPaper, Laptop/Computer
Forms of assessmentAssessment includes: Clarity and attitude in providing answers to questions, criticism and suggestions (30%) Mastery of understanding the research material (30%), Systematisation and thesis writing (20%), Timeliness presentation (10%) and language or text presentation in foreign language (10%)
Intended Learning Outcome
Students are able to arrange and submit the results of their final assignment studies in scientific forums
Module content
The topic and content of the final project are discussed with the supervisor before starting the work
Recommended Literatures Books related to the topics.