Jakarta, was held on Friday, 25 October 2024. The event took place in the Theatre Room, FST Building 2nd Floor, lasted from 08.30 – 11.30 WIB. Studium General of Biology Study Programme was held with the theme ‘Strengthening Indonesian Biosafety through Quarantine Agency’. Biological Security of Indonesia through the Indonesian Quarantine Agency’, with speakers Dr. drh. Sophia Setyawati, MP. (Indonesian Quarantine Agency) and moderator Dr. drh. RR Bhintarti Suryohastari, M. Biomed. (Biology study programme). Acting as the Master of Ceremonies was Maulana Yusuf (Biology student, class of 2021) and the prayer reader was Aswir Fikri. Biology class of 2021) and the reader of the prayer is Aswir Fikriwansyah, S.Si. (Biology alumnus of Class of 2020).
Here’s a screenshot of the programme line-up :

Broadly speaking, three functions of the Indonesian Quarantine Agency (Barantin) were presented, namely as Border Protection, Border Protection, and Economic Tools. In addition, Barantin’s role in State Defence includes supporting the availability of food for the community through the agriculture and fisheries sectors. and fisheries sectors. Barantin’s role in National Product Security is to oversee the import and export of animal, fish and plant products. exports of animal, fish and plant products, ensuring they are free from diseases and pests. diseases and pests. Furthermore, Barantin conducts Disease prevention by ensuring that animals, fish and plants entering Indonesia do not carry diseases.
which can be detrimental to the agricultural sector and human health. International co-operation Barantin’s international co-operation is related to quarantine and food safety standards, engaging in the development of standards and protocols aligned with global practices. drafting standards and protocols that are aligned with global practices. As for improving market access market access, by paying attention to matters related to Indonesian agricultural and fishery commodities / products to international markets (trade tools) and providing international markets (trade tools) and contributing to the achievement of RPJPN and RPJMN targets. RPJMN. The last role is Agriculture and Fisheries Sustainability by controlling the risk of diseases and pests, Barantin helps maintain the sustainability of the agriculture and fisheries sector, which is an important part of fisheries sector, which is an important part of national food security.
The criminal provisions of quarantine include: Failure to complete a health certificate (required completed at the time of entry, release or transit of the carrier media); Not going through the places of place of entry and release of carrier media; Not reporting or not submitting carrier media to quarantine officials at the Not reporting or not submitting the carrier media to the quarantine official at the place of entry or release; Not completing the transit certificate in transiting special carrier media between areas within the territory of NKRI; Person in charge of the means of transport who does not carry out the destruction of carrier media; and Persons who without authorisation open, remove, break, discard, or damage the quarantine seal.
There are many exciting things that Dr drh. Sophia Setyawati, MP. who graduated from Veterinary Science (S2) from UGM and Postgraduate Veterinary Science (S3) from IPB University. Veterinary Science (S3) from IPB University. In the final session of the event, one book was distributed by Prof. Dr. La Ode Sumarlin, M.Si. (Vice Dean I FST) to the best question answering student. Here are some documentation of the event Studium General event of Biology study programme with Indonesian Quarantine Agency, with Speaker by Dr drh. Sophia Setyawati, MP. (standing) and the discussion was guided by the moderator Dr drh. RR Bhintarti Suryohastari, M. Biomed. (sitting).